It Cal/Mag Def...
Do u use any epsom salt or cal/mag plus >?
It's usually happened this prb in flowering and its by change your veg nuts to your flowering nut ....
Plants pray for MAG ...
WHats your ph ?> soil or hydro?
Hey dude...
1000 ppm too high for feed them .... I do only 300-400 ppm in this week...
Plants showed by that way its by too much N that plants dont need it...
Whats your temp ? Ph ? Ppm?
Which nuts do u use for flowering?( ex 12-12-36 or ...?)
Did u use diffrent nuts when u saw yellowish leafs?!
Soil or hydro?!
Hey dude
U used diffrent nuts my friend and one of NPK was got high.
I had the same prb and advice FLUSH asap 3 times
theb start with middle (flowering nuts +grow nuts)
it worked fine for me u can check that prb by read my signature thread
It showed Cal/Mag def .do u use any epsom salt or cal/mag plus?
I advice use one of way to feed them Mag or Cal...
R/o water poor in 2 nuts and the prb shown ....
What your ph level?
Like starting Cal/mag def .... DO u use soil o hydro?whats your ph level...
Some nuts lock when u water with wrong ph and plant doesnt absorb some nuts on that way and they could lock other nuts so ....