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  1. k0ijn

    Obama Refuses to Answer About Storm Victims’ Frustrations

    ROFLMAO!! LOL LOL! (sigh) Rmoney doesn't work for us, wah wah wah. I'm so mad right now because wah wah wah. The hipocrisy is making me cry right now, I'm getting so stressed because my favourite candidate is losing because he's lying his ass off every chance he gets. Feel sorry for me please...
  2. k0ijn

    Obama's Slogan "Forward" is Socialism

    Welcome to the party :weed:
  3. k0ijn

    Bush abandons Staten Island.

    I see I mistook you for being a rational person. What a lovely way to lose all credibility in one post. I mean I was taking your side on this and you just flipped the script huh? Are you having a bad day or what? People who smoke good weed don't need to resort to that kind of pent up anger...
  4. k0ijn

    Bush abandons Staten Island.

    I think you mistook Canna (just like the freedomguy) for being people who believe in the value of facts. These guys don't care about reality. They just write whatever they want to provoke a reaction. Most of the time I get a good laugh out of reading their ignorant statements but it's also...
  5. k0ijn

    Obama Refuses to Answer About Storm Victims’ Frustrations

    Oh and btw, here's a little lesson for you in socialism and Hitler: Many conservatives insist that the Nazis were an example of a 'socialist' government as part of their effort to discredit socialism and leftist policies in general. This is rather like using the example of East Germany, the...
  6. k0ijn

    Obama Refuses to Answer About Storm Victims’ Frustrations

    Hehe yeah a guy who's got 1000+ posts filled with inane nonsense and nonsensical theories based on misunderstandings of phrases, history and facts grows better weed than me. Of course you must be correct. I can't see how you could possibly be wrong :lol: Good laugh.
  7. k0ijn

    Obama Refuses to Answer About Storm Victims’ Frustrations

    Tbh we don't know if this freedom guy is even a stoner. His account is about 1 month old and all he's done is post baseless information, in the politics section, without any use of reason, rationale or logic. He doesn't have any credibility so I wouldn't worry too much about him if I were you...
  8. k0ijn

    Obama's Slogan "Forward" is Socialism

    The most funny thing about that image is that is was not even during the pledge of allegiance (which is the one where you guys hold your hands on your heart if I'm not mistaken), so he's butthurt for nothing and his "argument" is useless.
  9. k0ijn

    The real Mitt Romney

    To people with a brain it goes: Gary Johnson > Obama > Rmoney. Especially if you're a member of a forum like this. To those who don't even understand the meaning of the word socialism and are ignorant on a whole other bunch of issues and phrases it's probably more like: God > Jesus > Rmoney.
  10. k0ijn

    Obama's Slogan "Forward" is Socialism

    It must really suck to lose. You can't deny the numbers, even winning all tossup states Rmoney would still lose lol. I mean, you don't even know what socialism really is. You are blending isms because you don't know any...
  11. k0ijn

    Obama now stands at 83.7 % to win the election

    Aren't there hand recounting measures? Like in a credible democratic election.
  12. k0ijn

    Fuck, i have to work all election day, is it to late to vote early?

    First of all, I didn't write the information, statistical analysts did. And to say it's simply a "4% lead in polls" is oversimplifying and wrong. It's just as much about the fact that not even winning all tossup states could make Rmoney win lol. You have to admit that is pretty funny...
  13. k0ijn

    Fuck, i have to work all election day, is it to late to vote early?

    Doesn't seem like there's anything to worry about anymore: (updates as of today).
  14. k0ijn

    Obama now stands at 83.7 % to win the election

    And it seems like the case is pretty certain by now: NC went back to toss up and Ohio is looking more and more Obama by each day. Even without winning any swing states now, Obama has got 270 votes.
  15. k0ijn

    Obama now stands at 83.7 % to win the election

    The information comes from Rasmussen, Reuters, PPP etc. I don't follow your train of thought. How are they untrustworthy? You are pulling at straws. It's a wide collection of 22 different polls from different sources. Obama led 19 out of 22 (2 tie and Romney only led in one).
  16. k0ijn

    Obama now stands at 83.7 % to win the election

    No no, read please. Read the words. There's an 83.7% chance of him winning. Not a 83.7% v 16.3% win 'rate'.
  17. k0ijn

    Romney vs. Reality

    Spot on mate.
  18. k0ijn

    Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

    I get the jist, I'm done arguing with these ignorant morons. And I don't use that word very often, but these guys really are morons, there is no other word for their behavior. It takes a special kind of stupid to be this biased and ignorant that even when facts are presented right infront of...
  19. k0ijn

    "NEVER" been a day in the past 4 years I've been proud to be vice president!

    Impressive, 4 biased blogs and not one credible news source. That'll convince everybody. Oh and that sure is 'everyone else'. Random biased sites really represent the whole society :lol:
  20. k0ijn

    Nonpartisan Study: No Proof That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Lead To Economic Growth

    Wow your ignorance and stupidity amazes me. The study is posted in a .pdf which is working perfectly fine, I've tried on OSX & Windows 7 Ultimate on different browsers, works fine. Either you are trying to be "funny" by trolling and behaving like a child or you really are so stupid you can't...