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  1. AaronHernadez

    Does this bud looks good to you guys?

    This is my first harvest and I recently dried some nugs off my lady and I was a little put off by how they looked. Mostly by the brownish/golden glossy look on some on the leaves/calyxs and a few dark spots on the stems. Is normal? Maybe bud rot? I have no clue. I haven't cured yet but that...
  2. AaronHernadez

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Does anybody having experience using tobacco and water and sprayed it on ur plants during flowering? Thinking about trying this tomorrow morning heard they hate it.
  3. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    Thanks man. The don't bug me worked well to keep insects off it while it lasted. I ran out about 2 weeks ago and I'm started to see worms again. I'm gonna try a tobacco/water solution next I heard the worms hate it .
  4. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    Some new pics from this morning. Had some frost the past two nights looks to be bringing out some purple?? I didn't think this was a purple strain at all.
  5. AaronHernadez

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Yeah I've been out here early with tweezers taking off spots here and there but not a whole lot so far. Less than a gram I think.
  6. AaronHernadez

    FROST: general rules from experience....

    Had frost here in mass last 2 days in a row, the night before got down to 39. My lady is still looking prett good so far though. It was really sunny yesterday and is supposed to be today too.
  7. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    I added some of the Mexican bat guano for nitrogen and I'm definitely not losting as many fan leaves as before but they leaves that were turning yellow are still dieing at the tips and curling up does this suggest another diffenciency? The green leaves/buds look great at the moment.
  8. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    I've been losing a lot of fan leaves that have been turning yellow and falling off Ive read some people call it natural this time of year but now I learned it could cause of a nitrogen deficientcy. My question is would the Mexican bat guano which is high in nitrogen help? Because most people say...
  9. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    Been picking worms off with tweezers and spraying "don't bug me" by fox farm and havent seen much damage yet but we'll see. Here's a few new pics. Heres a few close ups of the young buds Is it normal for the hairs to stair turning that brownish color this early in flowering?
  10. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    I bout some Seven spray will that help get rid of the worms on there now?
  11. AaronHernadez

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I got some Seven spray for my plant that already has a few worms on it. Will it help?
  12. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    I've found a few just by looking around any obvious damage but where's theres a few there's probably dozens right? Does the BT spray help you get rid of them or only prevent them?
  13. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    Quick question guys yesterday I started seeing some of this dark spots on some of the buds. They seem dead and easily fall when I touch them. Is this something I need to be worrying about? I thought it had something to do with some slight caterpillar damage I found on some lower branches but now...
  14. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    I definitely appreciate all the positive feedback bros
  15. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    Yeah I tried to do as minimal as possible and let nature take its course. I did use about a third of the small bag of budswel when it first began flowering.
  16. AaronHernadez

    First grow, single plant outdoors

    This is my first grow out here in new england. I found 2 seeds in a quarter of some pretty dank bud my cousin got shipped to him from Oregon . The bud it came from didn't look great or anything but it was an ok smoke. 1 seed popped and turned out to be female. My parents don't care so I just...