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  1. L

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    Must say, I am interested in the outcome.... Can't u borrow a cam for a sec, or use a phone cam? anything.... go tell your neighbor yor selling a sweater on ebay and need to take a digital photo... Sorry I'm impatient.. Lucky
  2. L

    Just bought shroom bags and spores

    Here maybe this helps... Lucky
  3. L

    Leaf Problems

    I know some people who bring the whole plant... hahahaha I wouldn't but people are cwazy!! L
  4. L

    California, College, and the life of my dreams

    I'm doing a viticulture class there now... UC Davis... L
  5. L

    Pollen Storage

    Artist paintbrush works fine.. just turn off your fans and brush it on the female bud you want pollinated the put a baggie over the freshly pollinated bud for like a day or two... Then take it off and mist the plants with water to kill loose pollen...'' L
  6. L

    shrooms stronger than cid?

    yeah we had a twisty one called space language.. pretty good paper... but I always relyed on my liquid lsd on sugar cubes.... wow I can still taste it.. L
  7. L

    More Yield... Less bigger plants or more smaller plants???????????

    I agree with Hubert... The only thing more pots gets you is smaller nugs less veg time and way more work watering... I think you should just go by grams per watt and work on that instead of plant numbers... do yurself a favor and do less plants.. less to get in trouble with also... a judge only...
  8. L

    Bud Blood vs. Open Sesame

    What are you saying!?!!? Bud Blood is ONLY USED THE 1st WEEK OF FLOWERING... That's it! Initial bloom enhancer... Not later when finishing...
  9. L

    need some advice!

    get a conversion bulb L
  10. L

    shrooms stronger than cid?

    All depends on the gear mate... no 2 are the same :peace: L
  11. L

    Why is the top of my plant going yellow.

    What's the Ice like? I've heard good stuff.... L
  12. L

    Ontario Medical Card...

    I don't live with my grow.. someone else does.. as for the # well it depends on my g/day Lucky
  13. L

    Why is the top of my plant going yellow.

    Right now the strain you see is Pluto.. Not very interesting... But it has no smell.... Good for populated areas... But no I'm switching to Cheese.. And I have a shitload of TGA gear ready to be popped as well as some Chemdog Double D... As for the room ? Well you see one.. I also have a veg...
  14. L

    Why is the top of my plant going yellow.

    A little over 10 years.. although I did take a break for 2-3... L
  15. L

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    Scccchhhhweeeet deal yo... here the fuck were you when I was funkin' shit up...? Hehehe I will try ur method! thanks pardner here's some rep! L
  16. L

    something wrong wit my plants???

    the other dude said 2 tablespoons... but i'd rely on my trusty PH pen if i were him...... L
  17. L

    shrooms stronger than cid?

    All I can say is I've lost my shit on both, and I've had a mild experience on both... I've prolly eatin' bout 500 hits and drank a few vials and about a couple of lbs of funghi over my life... Lucky Even skydived on the shit...
  18. L

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    Okay... how many ml do you squirt in each jar when you inoculate (from the spore syringe)...? and what strain are you doing? L
  19. L

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    no, my weight is dry weight.. I always list dry weight bud/roomies... Ummm I did ten 500ml jars per batch.. And probably contaminated 1or2 in the process, so this is from 8or 9 avg.... but this summer cyanescece.. L
  20. L

    Growing Mushrooms via a casing pics

    Hmmmm... How much do you yield about from a bin... I did the Fanaticus way with upside down jars... got about 1/4 pound over 60days... I never did the casing method... I'll try it though.. Also I was wondering if you have any experience with cyanesence?? using alder wood..... info would be...