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  1. indican3

    Too much or too little water? re-potted plant drooping

    I re-potted a plant on Thursday and it seemed to be doing just fine. Very little drooping at all. Now it's Saturday and the plant is a bit droopy. I didn't water the plant when I re-potted than plant because the soil (Triple Mix) was very moist. I did water it today after I noticed it was...
  2. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    I put it outside a few days ago, she doesn't seem to mind. I'll let her slowly thrive outside for the next while. If you want to see how the other 2 plants I have are doing (planted seeds at the same time as this gal) check out my thread here...
  3. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Day 25 - 27 Watered each with 1000ml using nutes. (Day 25) Room temps getting a little higher, floating between 76-83. R/H at 35-50. More pest control :lol: I picked up some Nematode packets (see photo, product: Nemaglobe) and they should slowly be released into the soil and will feed on the...
  4. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Only kidding, because of how much vegging it has done
  5. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    I should stop veg and switch to 12/12
  6. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Here we are today
  7. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Day 23 Did I mention I hate fungus gnats? This morning there was just as many so I went to war. Removed 2in+ of topsoil from the plants, applied a new top layer of Diatomaceous Earth. My containers have drainage holes and I think they were a nice target for the gnats to breed, so I threw some...
  8. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    :shock: First signs of trouble. On Day 18 I noticed that on two leaves the edges were yellowing, one on each on the plants (See Photos). Can only guess it's too much nutes, I watered the day before thankfully using no nutes at all. 4 days later the leaves don't seem to be getting any worse which...
  9. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Update: Don't think she's ready to give up yet, since re-potting her I see leaf potential. If she makes it, which is looking now more likely, I'll post updated pic. 21 days since planting seed and counting.
  10. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    The 5ml one would be good. I just realized I have the 1ml glass version, messed up in the photo saying 5ml. Still would like one with more depth though..
  11. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Day 16 - 17 Watered both plants on Day 17 with 1000ml of filtered water (each), no nutes. Lots of misting on Days 12-17, leaves need to do most of the drinking until roots build up. Temps have been good lately, staying in the 67-80 range consistently. R/H goes up to 50 sometimes too which is...
  12. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Cheap solutions are the best, I'm in pretty deep in $ with grow supplies etc. so at this point droppers are pretty easy for me to rationalize spending on but I totally don't need to do it. This whole grow has become an awesome, albeit expensive, experiment, it's not cost effective but I'm just...
  13. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Already done, it's chilling in a smaller container now. Still alive since last posting, looks about the same.
  14. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Yea! Diluted nutes seem safest, it's difficult measure out the right amounts. The instructions outline how much nutrients, in ml, you should add to 1 gallon of water. I found that to be kind of odd, using both the metric and imperial system in the instructions. Also 1 gallon = 3.7 liters, and I...
  15. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Verdict: Looks like the seed wasn't able to right itself up and had to grow roots from the side. Still keeping it alive but she's almost certainly a goner.
  16. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Day 11 - 13 Watering w. Nutes: Started using GH kit and I used a little under the recommended doses. (for example, if 5ml of solution was recommended would use about 4ml). 1st Water (Day 7?): 500ml each with nutes 2nd Water (Day 9): 1000ml each with nutes 3rd Water (Day 13): 1000ml each with...
  17. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    It's in a 3 gal pot. Soaked the soil on Day 0, planted on Day 1, watered/misted a bit on Day 8. Maybe watered a little bit on Day 13 to loosen up surrounding soil. I've done just about everything to regulate that a.f.a.i.k. Seems like a real outlier, all I can think of is it was either a...
  18. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Nice, just caught wind of your log the other day. Very nice work, glad you ended up with at least 1 female in the end also. I really like my LED and growing with it, but I question the pricing of some of the name brand LEDs. Many seem to fetch around 800$+ (low end), and most aren't near 1000W...
  19. indican3

    Struggling seedling, will she make it?

    Thanks for the input, it's 16 days since planting now and it still looks the same. I'll be terminating it later, or placing it outside in a pot to thrive for itself.
  20. indican3

    DNA Sharksbreath / Greenhouse Pure Kush - First Grow

    Days 7-9 : Pure Kush seedling growth progress So far so good, watered the plants on Day 8 with filtered water, no nutrients in water yet Any white residue on plants is the diatomaceous earth, I think it's harmless for plants, at least in small amounts. Regardless, I try to mist the stuff off...