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  1. IGTHY

    One baby leaf has turned yellow!

    That's nothing to be alarmed about; it's probably the first leaf to sprout on that node so it would be older. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  2. IGTHY

    27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)

    Well knowing that a plants tissue is mostly water...I would say if properly dried and cured you'll lose a third of the weight from water. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  3. IGTHY

    Way too tall

    Thanks and you didn't know I'm campaigning for all Medical Patients and tokers' around the globe! KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  4. IGTHY

    Ever Seen Anything Like This Before?

    Your plant is in flower and you will see more yellowing as the plant uses the sugars and energy from the larger leaves to feed the flowers. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  5. IGTHY

    Nute burn while flowering

    What type of soil mix are you using? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  6. IGTHY

    Way too tall

    Bend the tops aver and remove the smaller lower branches. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  7. IGTHY

    need help on growing

    Leaves drying and falling off could well be nitrogen deficient. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  8. IGTHY


    If they are re vegging then the old flowers die to bring new green growth. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  9. IGTHY

    ******* 2008 Outdoor Monster Thread ************

    Here you go Marijuana Growing - IGTHY's Albums KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  10. IGTHY

    Need Advice

    Amsterdam Seeds. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  11. IGTHY

    A quick look at a sick plant?

    Yeah just mix it with feedings. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  12. IGTHY

    Moving 6-7 footer..?

    Yeah do the tarp and some gardening tools,and hopefully people will think you're a landscaper. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  13. IGTHY

    Showing sex already?!?!?!

    Its small so the 12/12 would sex her out,but its too small to have her "whole life?" KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  14. IGTHY

    1st Grow!! Bagseed grow!!

    They look lush! That Miracle Grow Soil does work better in outdoor soil. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  15. IGTHY

    Mom Ripped Sunflowers Out The Ground.

    Sunflowers are strong plants I bet it will snap back quick as long as the roots don't dry out. KKEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  16. IGTHY

    A quick look at a sick plant?

    Mg, N ,Phosphorus deficiency. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  17. IGTHY

    What strain are you growing?

    I'm growing Purple Humboldt, Acapulco Gold, Pure Indica(One of my own :] )Northen Lights x Kush, and last but not least some whites. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  18. IGTHY

    check this out!

    Post a pic? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  19. IGTHY

    why does my harvistid bud not smell like bud!

    Some strains are pungent too. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
  20. IGTHY

    check this out!

    Yeah, it's norm. A lot of strains do that. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!