You're flowering, so that is Mg. I would hit with some Epsom salts just to give her extra trace elements. She already has taken on the Macro nutes(N-P-K). KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
Paper bag tech is to get brown paper bags(Henry's Market) and after you do your trim of the buds place them in the bags but don't pile them in the bags. Just fill to two thirds full and fold the top down and give them a shake every few hours to give oxygen. Each time you shake the bag open the...
Yes they will sink because the outer shell softens and takes on water.The phos helps the young sprout to push through the soil a lot quicker.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
All the leaves aren't drooping, I'm growing a few Indicas' and their leaves do that to me. I f you watering is right I just think it's because they are growing. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
Ok you sound like you're running on cruise control, so I would then have to question your seeds genetics.Where did you seeds come from? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
Really you shouldn't move plants back and forth between different light sources,especially between sun and artificial lighting. The transplanting,if it still has healthy roots it should live. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
What's the news? I can faintly see some brown spots on the leaves,if there are you should give them some Iron. They seem like they are old enough for a little nutes.I see another node about to begin to form from the top of one.How are your roots developing? KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
You can germinate seeds by putting water in a jar with a little phosphorus and add the seeds. Put the jar in a dark cool spot overnight and in the morning the seeds that are on the bottom of jar you plant. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
Absolutely! You can still harvest it when the seeds are ripe. I would toss the seeds because planting them would be worthless to a crop. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!