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  1. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Hey gang I made it to the local organic's store and they are really right up our alley. The man showed me his smaller tea brewers each 25 gallon. He also has 250 gallon brewers! They are seriously addicted to organics and have helped local farmers to triple their crops with their teas! I thought...
  2. Steelheader3430

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hey everybody. I finally made my way into the local organic earth store and those people are really smart. A lot of the things I heard from them mirrored the good info on here. Total living soil microbial minded people. All most too helpful talk, talk, talk. lol. I'm using Cann's recipe from...
  3. Steelheader3430

    About to put my ak48 in the dark for 2 to 3 days then harvest

    Looks nice! Mine was a bit more fluffy and leafy. Probably due to the 1000 watt metal halide, but hey the light was free!
  4. Steelheader3430

    Kinda dumb but

    Pistils gather the males pollen and the seeds develop inside the calyx.
  5. Steelheader3430

    Straight Bodhi Grow

    Have you ran their ancient og yet? I think I'm gonna order some then tell my wife afterwards. I'm looking for something with really dense bud structure. It looks indica dominate and has my attention. My wife has trouble sleeping.
  6. Steelheader3430

    600w 4x4 tent journal

    Looks good. 6 plants will fill that tent big time. Why don't you use the fan you've got on your inline filter? Fit the filter to the light, and put the fan outside. I got some cheap pieces of wood trim and cut them to fit between the poles. wrapped some solid core wire around the poles ( to...
  7. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I've been eyeballin this one for a while now. I'd like to get something with a dense bud structure to play with. Now to convince the wife to let me invest.
  8. Steelheader3430

    About to put my ak48 in the dark for 2 to 3 days then harvest

    I grew 4 ak48 for my first grow recently and a friend said he found that harvesting 55 days after the flip to 12/12 was ideal. No complaints from around here. Your plant is a beast weedthumb! Please update and tell me if it has an astringent fume like smell during harvest. Mine did and I hear...
  9. Steelheader3430

    Are my plants dying

    You may be over watering. What's with the foil? And how is the pots drainage. The leaf looks like it is trying to transfer the extra moisture out of the soil. Cal mag deficiencies are common but I would get the watering figured out first.
  10. Steelheader3430

    Turkilton's all Eggs in One Basket

    I don't know much about autos, but are you sure you don't want to wait another week? Let her fatten up a bit. Are you going to continue with the autos turk?
  11. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    I think I will. The soil I have now is ffhf and ffof. I used dyna-gro formulas in it so I'm not going to use it again for cannabis. Gotta get some better things going on for that, just need money and thats not been easy to come by. Not to mention I gotta learn the cycles for veggies.
  12. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Started to take down the grow tent and my wife was not happy. She says she wants to grow some veggies. I'm thinking rosemary, thyme, some peppers and more weed. Maybe cucumbers and make pickles. My plan is to get some trellis and start growing vert. 1 plant in each corner of my 4x4. using some...
  13. Steelheader3430

    My Plant Isn't Growing, Isn't Dying, Isn't doing anything... HELP!!!

    It might just be putting its efforts into roots. Thats a big pot to start with so I'm thinking roots. Also most of your light is coming off the sides of those bulbs, so if you could find a way to turn the bulbs it might help eventually.
  14. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    :spew:Yucky yucky
  15. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Your wife is awesome Hamish. No thats not gay Red.
  16. Steelheader3430

    is this a gas or water line?

    tec's right. Also you should keep in mind that is most likely going to be dirty air ( I almost guarantee it) full of fiberglass insulation and cat shit possibly. So make sure you run ducting to keep that out of your grow.
  17. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Its when she zerberts your asshole and plays your dick like the slide of a trombone.
  18. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    You should have her give you a "rusty trombone". Why should she have all the fun?
  19. Steelheader3430

    My new grow tent.

    You should check out the thread. There is some info on there about growing in small spaces.
  20. Steelheader3430

    cheap grow tent? would it work

    I got a 4x4 off ebay for $115 US It works fine since I keep it in a dark place. It does have light leaks. You get what you pay for. I think that "closet" would not be cost effective since you'll have a lot of work to do to turn it into a grow tent. Just buy something designed for the job. You'll...