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  1. silusbotwin

    Removing large numbers of ladybugs from plants at harvest time?

    NOBODY has ANYTHING to input at all? I know some of you guys have something to say here! :)
  2. silusbotwin

    Removing large numbers of ladybugs from plants at harvest time?

    heheh The cure is MUCH better than the pest lol It's actually quite lovely having them around. They keep the fungus gnats as well as other pests in check without needing to spray crap all over the place or mess with Co2 poisoning as a means of pest control. They tickle the skin when working in...
  3. silusbotwin

    Removing large numbers of ladybugs from plants at harvest time?

    Anyone who has used ladybugs in large numbers, as a pest control preventive measure, knows that they are on every surface in the grow room. I have a bunch of 1.5 gallon containers with 2 foot tall plants that are almost ready for harvest and they are covered in ladybugs. Anybody care to share...
  4. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    I've noticed a similar effect in regards to resin production. I've noticed I can take 2 cuts from a mother and veg one for 2 months on to some serious mass, and the other go straight to flower. It seems the one that is vegged for 2 months has a significantly smaller amount of resin than the zero...
  5. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    Damn! I was born in 84! I started growing outdoors in 98' (14 years old) after spending almost a year lurking for 10 hours a day @ overgrow (on my webtv via 56K dialup ahhaha) to try to get my game up to par with the legends! I think back to rules 1&2 of being a grower in the era before the...
  6. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    ONLY take off leaves that are large and covering other growth tips. If you have no fan leaves that are 5-6 inches in length, your plants are not ready for defoliation. You shouldn't be going on a time schedule but rather whenever you see new huge fan leaves covering tips. I have found it tends...
  7. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    <rant> Geez Uncle Ben, is it that important to you to be viewed as correct, that you would find a "newbie" in a thread to go pick on and be rude to? I had lots of respect for you and kinda looked up to you (considering I use your techniques), but you are defeating your purpose brother! If you...
  8. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    The way you wrote your first sentence made it seem like you were trying to ask if Bud is doing something you thought to be foolish. they're praying you dont? I must have misunderstood you
  9. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    Thats the purpose of defoliation. It's removing huge light-receiving fan leaves that are covering stunted growth tips to allow the tips to grow and receive the light that the fan leaf was hogging. Ultimately those newly lit tips will grow large and strong and grow large fan leaves of their own.
  10. silusbotwin

    huge dissapoinment.

    You're a marine man! One of the baddest toughest mofo's on the planet! Surely if you can handle insurgents with AK-47's, you can handle some aphids! This is the kinda stuff that separates the bagseed millionaires from the true passionate growers. This stuff just happens, plain and simple and...
  11. silusbotwin

    Defoliation Test

    Awesome! I'm currently doing 2 defoliation projects myself. After reading an article about it and checking some journals out, I decided I had to try it. Even tho I'm only using T5's in veg, I still get bushes so dense with foliage, even after stretching, I still get no canopy penetration with my...
  12. silusbotwin

    1lb Medical Strain = $?

    Well said. I'm allowed a full Michigan pound but I still never have more than 8 ounces at a time but then again, I'm not taking advantage of my full allowances. If I wasn't running a perpetual, I'd definitely be going over legal limits. To answer the OP's question, I suppose lower shelf...
  13. silusbotwin

    Is this t-5 worth it.

    In that case, go for it. Try to pick a light that maximizes your space. Sounds like you have a good grasp on things :)
  14. silusbotwin

    Botanicare Cocogro Question

    Yes, of course, just make sure its plenty dry if you plant to seal it up in a way that cuts off air
  15. silusbotwin

    First organic grow

    If you are only adding EWC, they don't need to be cooked in. Worm castings are one of the few amendments that does not need to be cooked in when mixed globally. IMO, it's a waste of time to cook soil if EWC is the only amendment you added. And yea, I would just have em directly delivered but...
  16. silusbotwin

    Nute Burn or Deficiency? *PICS*

    Definitely P and K deficiency my friend.
  17. silusbotwin

    Is this t-5 worth it.

    I have 7 different types of T5's totallin over 1,000 watts of T5 for veg, everything from 2' x 2 bulb to 4' x 8 bulb and I gotta say the two footers are lame. IMO, go for the 4' bulbs unless you have absolutely no choice. I would take a 4' x 2 bulb over a 2' 8 bulb. I have picked up 6 out of...
  18. silusbotwin

    Plant with non-serrated leaves

    Dont trash that plant! That is a ridiculous piece of advice! It's fine man, let it grow some more and it will start to look better. Do you have your temps under control? That may be the most foolish advice I've ever heard. Who the hell tells somebody to trash a SEEDLING? It hasn't even had a...
  19. silusbotwin

    Free Alpaca Manure

    Yes! I recently read that worm castings created from alpaca manure are the best there is, period. Do you have a worm farm?
  20. silusbotwin

    Worms in soil? ewww

    I recommend studying a bit of this thread here and get some tea ready to go soon. Clonex, worms being in your soil during growth has numerous benefits.