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  1. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    Increased CO2 levels will make plants grow faster. Hard to argue with that. How much it helps one particular persons grow and whether it is worth it for them can only be answered by that individual person. Not much to argue imo. Harlequin is one of the originally identified high CBD...
  2. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    The harlequin cutting I got around two months ago finally has signs of the initial formation of a root! You need to look really really closely and I might have broken it off putting it back into the soil, but WOOT! Just took two fing months... Really didn't think it was going to happen.
  3. Gastanker

    To all Californians, prop 215/ sb420 is bull shit

    I too would like to argue otherwise and provide personal experiences as evidence. I've smoked in public next to a police officer after asking permission and showing my recommendation - multiple times. I've called the police to my house after a home invasion where the only items stolen where...
  4. Gastanker

    anybody else hating the new attitude website layout??

    I don't like it one bit. Step backwards IMO. Looks much too generic and even reminds me of the sites you stumble on when you've entered a URL in wrong.
  5. Gastanker

    12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??

    But auto-flowering plants flower under 12/12 just as fast as they flower under 18/6 or 24/0 - and he vegged for two months. I wouldn't be surprised if it was purely strain related. Heavy sativas can stretch for a week or two longer than Indicas before starting their bud production.
  6. Gastanker

    12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??

    I've never heard of a failure to flower being due to low light levels. You can flower out a plant in the dark or under a single 12w CFL - You'll yield near nothing but the plant will still flower.
  7. Gastanker

    12/12 for 3 weeks lol nothing ??

    Temps can have a big impact. I have plants that have been in flower for 4 weeks and aren't showing flowering yet due to higher night temps than day temps. There are several things that can be done to speed along flowering - changing light schedule, increasing the amount of light for a few...
  8. Gastanker


    Keep it at home and do that at home. You're definitely allowed to keep a scale with your med supply. Hell, legally I am required to have scale to document the yield of each harvest as well as my consumption. Don't prepackage into dine bags though. Use a weekly pill container if need be.
  9. Gastanker

    calling all biologists/chemists/horticulturists and/or other professionals

    The major constituents in that mix are generally considered organic but who knows what else is in the mix. Might try asking the producer. WIll it grow bud? reason it wouldn't. You can grow bud in coco and perlite...which are both essentially sterile... As long as it provides...
  10. Gastanker


    No, it is not illegal. But if you get pulled over with a ton of tiny baggies and a large amount of bud it definitely wont help your case.
  11. Gastanker

    FERO 336x3W and more, perpetual 12-12

    Sounds exciting. I'm subbed.
  12. Gastanker

    "My rollitup" button not working?

    Last two days the "My Rollitup" button just directs me to this - (firefox browser)
  13. Gastanker

    3000w Multi Strain Medical Grow!! Soil ScroG, Waterfarms, DWC

    Sucks about the bugs but glad you got it under control. I'm temped to warn you about Bayer's systemic pesticide. I was actually talking with one of the people responsible for its development yesterday and it was surprising to hear how against the stuff he was - especially considering I was...
  14. Gastanker

    First attempt at a decent grow

    They are going to be big ones. Very happy looking.
  15. Gastanker

    Rawr Mwootens 2012 outdoor! (2nd gen , first thread disappeared)

    :clap: Brilliant set-up. Loved the results of last years and I can only imagine this one being better. Subbed for the ride.
  16. Gastanker

    Roofwayne 12/12 from seed Mt.Man grow

    Holy sativa batman. Very nice.
  17. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    Thanks. Those are actually in like the third or fourth week I think. They just don't want to flower... the high night temp and lower day temp is really throwing them off. I'm thinking I'll have to start ice water treatments. I actually swear I saw the start of nute burn yesterday :o They...
  18. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    And why is there empty space in your flower cab? Pack that thing full.
  19. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    Aside from that claw they look amazing. Clones just aren't rooting? I still can't get my harlequin cut to root. It's still green and everything and I even put two other cuts into the same cup and they had roots on then within a few days - been over a month and a half or something crazy with...