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  1. k0ijn

    Chopping into small nugs speeds curing time?

    More surface area = faster drying. Example: If you have 1 big nug and you let in dry normally, it can take ~7 days to dry properly. If you cut that bug up into 6 pieces or 8 pieces depending on size, the smaller parts will dry much quicker. To answer your question; yes you can speed up the...
  2. k0ijn

    handheld mini scope

    30x-40x should be enough to get a clear indication of the trichomes. I myself have a 60x-100x scope with a light and I have a 40x loupe. Loupe is more practical, but if I want to get really scientific, nothing beats the 100x.
  3. k0ijn

    Drying and Curing: Leaving the leaves on?????????????

    All fan leaves and larger leaves should be taken off the plant before drying. I sometimes leave the sugar leaves (smaller leaves around the calyxes) on the bud, depends what the bud looks like, how large it is etc. Leaving some sugar leaves on the bud will extend drying time for smaller buds...
  4. k0ijn

    Big Leaves

    I never take healthy looking leaves off my plants by force. By healthy I mean strong looking leaves, colour doesn't necessarily matter, a yellow leaf can still look very strong. Unhealthy leaves: nutrient burn leaves, shriveled leaves etc. If you let the plant 'eat' (process) it's own leaves it...
  5. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I really enjoy seeing a post like this. This is exactly why I posted the study, to get the information out there. And to see you take in the information and actively use it to argue in favour of science is just brilliant! :weed:
  6. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Ah yes because Jorge Cervantes is the world renowned expert in Cannabis. He is not just a author who copies what other people have written. Well explained by him btw; That really puts the whole issue to rest huh? I mean this guy probably doesn't even know how nutrients are stored in cannabis...
  7. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    If you agree that deficiency is harmful to plants (and that this is backed by good science and common sense) then why do you find the need to reject the theory I stipulated, about nutrient storage in cannabis and how that relates to pre-harvest flushing? It is after all only a theory and I make...
  8. k0ijn

    Word of advise for newbies.

    You don't even smoke cannabis yourself, yet you supposedly know everything about people who do? I'm not uptight at all, I just have a tough line for people who post wrong information and claim all sorts of myths without any scientific backup. I find it funny how apparently all people who smoke...
  9. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I'm not agreeing on pre-harvest flushing not harming your plants. I myself have said that I think it might lower productivity, since I believe the same conditions as for ryegrass on nutrient storage are applicable for cannabis and therefor I believe that giving your plants deficiency will lower...
  10. k0ijn

    Word of advise for newbies.

    Now you assume shit about me without knowing me at all? What is your problem? I don't mind saying I don't know everything about growing, I have a lot to learn about decarboxylation, terpenoids, other growing techniques (I haven't tried aeroponics fully except for smaller parts in my spray /...
  11. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I completely agree with you. As I've already stated many times, flushing / leaching is good for error correction, clearing salt buildup etc. Almost all growers flush, mainly due to errors. What SirLance ment (I think) was more about pre-harvest flushing / leaching. Although, I can see he didn't...
  12. k0ijn

    Word of advise for newbies.

    I'm not trying to get you to write a tutorial, all I'm saying is that you asked for help, I assisted you, you said it helped greatly. And 5 days later you make a new thread with a post where you say you didn't get any help solving your drying & curing issues. That is what I don't understand, it...
  13. k0ijn

    Word of advise for newbies.

    What you write here has already been written and explained many times before. I have repeated myself many times on the subject on drying and curing, every time I give precise information as to; how long, what conditions what RH etc. It's very easy from a simple search of these forums to find the...
  14. k0ijn

    Water curing dried weed?

    Me 2 hehe. But I have used water curing to great success on moldy weed =)
  15. k0ijn

    Water curing dried weed?

    Yes the smoke becomes _very_ smooth when you water cure. It's worth testing out on moldy weed or less important nugs (not your premium stuff). But you also lose most odours and the look of the bud changes quite radically. To a somewhat shit brown colour hehe.
  16. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    This is one of our main points yes. Why go through the hassle of pre-harvest flushing, getting new water, replacing water (getting rid of the old solution), running it through the system, re-pH'ing etc (which can be a genuine hassle if you have a medium sized grow or larger) if it doesn't...
  17. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I'll have to disagree with you. I don't quite see it as inconclusive. In most cases of pre-harvest flushing we're not talking about a brief period of deficiency. Deficiency can set in within 1-2 days, as nutrient are used up rather quickly if not in abundance (which most growers aren't doing...
  18. k0ijn

    Why should I hang my plants instead of separating buds and laying them out to dry?

    You want a drying time around ~7 days. Many people don't dry their weed properly, they either over-dry or under-dry. Curing starts @ 65% RH and ends @ 55% RH, it's a tight space to work with, and having a proper drying phase is vital in bringing the buds ready for curing. And for some people...
  19. k0ijn

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Again, if you read the study I posted and look at the image I linked you will see quite clearly that strength of the nutrient solution and thus how many nutrients are available directly affect yield. If you have a deficiency, yield is decreased. If you have a ~critical amount, yield is close to...
  20. k0ijn

    Whats The Science behind "The Cure"

    No because it's not inactive THC, it's pre-cursor cannabinoids that are present in clear trichomes.