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  1. Steelheader3430

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Hey Gandalf remember these? If the pic will load.
  2. Steelheader3430

    rolling a joint Randy's rolling papers make it a bit easier with the wire. And you can smoke the roach a little easier not to mention it makes passing the joint simple. Steelheader
  3. Steelheader3430

    rolling a joint

    Use a dollar bill as a rolling machine. Hold the bill vertical, bring the bottom up towards you. Put your weed in the bend and slide the billup and down (keeping your digits close to the bud)to roll the medicine. Then put your paper on the weed and roll it up. when the glue is the only thing not...
  4. Steelheader3430

    A special grow chillnburn1.

    Whats goin on chill?
  5. Steelheader3430

    4ft high 2 Month Flowering plant doesn't smell......HELP

    I came here cause my ak48 doesn't smell. So it's genetic with the ak I take it. Thats fine hopefully my next grow is stronger as I lost 80% of my olfactory using zycam.
  6. Steelheader3430

    Need some guidance in my overall growing! Grow it out to 5 or 6 to have an established root system then cut between the 2nd and 3rd true node and thats it. I did it on my 2 babies in a sad little veg station and its really cool. You can...
  7. Steelheader3430

    Need some guidance in my overall growing!

    Alot of ballasts are dimmable so you could buy one that will grow with your needs.
  8. Steelheader3430

    update on grow :) 4weeks flowering

    Looks beautiful to me. Now to find a job that will let me smoke. fmj.
  9. Steelheader3430


    I just added it to a nitrogen starved plant and it helped more than adding ff grow big did the week before. Also get the mycos! I had a weak root system when I transplanted and 2 days later I had bigger roots than I started with climbing out the holes through 2 inches of fresh soil. Steelheader.
  10. Steelheader3430

    Help with Dying Leaves

    Start with happy frog soil next time.
  11. Steelheader3430

    Need some guidance in my overall growing!

    You can get hid lights for cheap on ebay or refurbished at local grow shops. I also got a 4x4x6.5 grow tent for $115 off ebay. If your growing indoors you want to control the environment as much as possible.
  12. Steelheader3430

    Active vs Passive intake ?

    Trial and error I guess. Find a way to keep the temp. fluctuations to a min. sounds like you might not need the intake fan to keep things cool. Just as long as there is air exchange you could kill it I suppose.
  13. Steelheader3430

    Room temp is 84 help

    Mine gets up to 90 with my stupid umbrella hood and poor exhaust. humidity cycles between 40 and 90!!! Which is really concerning me. No problems.....yet.
  14. Steelheader3430

    whats this look like mg ph waiting on liime

    Just give it water. No more nutes. Until it tells you too. Probably it will need nitrogen first. Maybe cal-mag. Just look into mycos and azos. Feed 1 tsp per gallon unsulphered molasses every two weeks or so. Remember soil holds nutes. You don't need to chase it around like you do hydro. Hope...
  15. Steelheader3430

    ak48 extreme differences

    Hey Sheldon. Are you gonna journal this nirvana experiment? People will be critical cause theyre fucking jerks, but I'd like to see how it goes. The older girls were in straight ffof from seeds and damn near got killed by it.
  16. Steelheader3430

    ak48 extreme differences

    They're both in the same mix and my other girls in flower are too. That one was weird from the time it broke soil. The plants in flower look the same genetically speaking. But they don't look like either of these two vegging girls.
  17. Steelheader3430

    Room temp is 84 help

    I think you'll be fine with 84. Just keep a fan moving the air.
  18. Steelheader3430

    ak48 extreme differences

    These are in 50/50 ffof and happy frog. Both topped uncle Ben style for 4 tops. One was light green from the start. Then got sick. I've got her stabilized. Has anybody else seen such a difference from the "same" seeds. Both Nirvanashop stock fem. seeds. All her. lower foliage died off. Ive...
  19. Steelheader3430


    I'm about 2 weeks into flowering some ak48 from nirvana shop. They took allmost 2 weeks to reach the west coast. Nicely packaged too.
  20. Steelheader3430

    Can anyone tell me when my buds will start growing on my plant/ is it growing right??

    Hang in there krisyy. youtube "growing with Mr. Tight". There you'll get alot of good info to start you off with. And it doesn't require googling abunch of stuff to get you confused of overwhelmed.