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  1. Ishrahnai

    a guy in need of help

    Nope, I've seen it too and she does look nice. I've done holy grail and am currently running kosher tangie. Man there's so much good looking weed out there. That blue og I spoke of had such a sweet flavour, I was literally like a kid in a sweet shop. I'll give you a brief run down of what I've...
  2. Ishrahnai


    Aaaah but the evil that is satan takes many forms. If god is omnipresent then satan is lurking just around the corner scarfing down a McDonalds.
  3. Ishrahnai

    "Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

    Yeah man! It's had me in stitches all day, and the lads that work for me. That kid is wasted and happy about it!
  4. Ishrahnai

    G13 Labs - C99?!?

    Me too, g13 labs gear has not let me down yet. I've done the blueberry gum, blue og which is still one of my favourite og crosses and I've even done the auto Pineapple Express and the auto diesel. The auto diesel I put out in the garden for summer and though it only yielded about 14gms - smoke...
  5. Ishrahnai

    What is the best decision you ever made and why?

    Best decision I made hands down was having my daughter. I've had a great deal of life changing moments, some of the most powerful were unfortunately the deaths of friends. Choosing to create life and nurture it is amazing and rewarding in a way I could never have imagined despite being around...
  6. Ishrahnai

    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    So this is what the other side of the fence looks like, seems a pretty groovy place to be. Just saying a hello to all of you on my way through. I like all the lovely lady pics/porn floating time I'm back, I'll have my entrance 'fee' in picture form for you all.
  7. Ishrahnai

    a guy in need of help

    I did the CC 818 headband. If you get the right pheno(which you should out of 6 seeds) it's a lovely sour, Limey and fuel funk filled goodie. The taller pheno's seemed to be a little nute sensitive but my keeper was like a bush and had some lovely dense, trich covered and sticky buds. She was...
  8. Ishrahnai

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I want whatever he's had
  9. Ishrahnai

    Marijuana use by teens linked with problems in young adulthood

    Fuckin copy and paste .........I meant
  10. Ishrahnai

    The cherry thread

  11. Ishrahnai

    "Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

    Aaaaaaaaah! Saucy women and weed time, belly dancers's shaping up to be a good thread this. I'm giddy with all the nibbley CBD talk........nother smoke and a lie down I think.
  12. Ishrahnai


    Dude, did you have to? That's pretty ruff, if satan does look like that then.........I'll be good.
  13. Ishrahnai

    "Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

    Exactly man, I grew up around a lot of old school growers and breeders. Most of them lived out in the sticks so it wasn't a problem. Home owner - no neighbours for miles, game on! I wish I could be bothered to list the strains I've got, it's pretty fuckin sweet. At the moment I'm going through...
  14. Ishrahnai

    Marijuana use by teens linked with problems in young adulthood

    Now that's telling it like it is brother, I lost two friends no older than 21 to drunk drivers. My other friend watched his drunk father beat his mum and tear a family apart.
  15. Ishrahnai

    Marijuana use by teens linked with problems in young adulthood

    It's not that they don't notice, it just doesn't suit the angle they're working. It's all smoke and mirrors, if they gave you ALL the info you might go so far as to think it ridiculous that we're not allowed a herbaceous weed. Now that just simply isn't cricket old chap, eh?
  16. Ishrahnai

    "Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

    My missus has a shrine area For her daily Buddhist prayers. I have my shrine area for my daily bud perving ritual. Relationships are best when you respect what's important to each other. Omm mani padmi ommm
  17. Ishrahnai

    "Ganga Growing Girls are Hard to FIND"...

    always wanted to breed man. My entire seed collection represents every strain I've loved and liked the look of for about 20 years. It also represents about £3000 of my hard earned cash. I won't have the guts to expand into breeding until I buy my own place.
  18. Ishrahnai

    Tramp Stamp love them or hate them ?

    Indeed. Depends on the stamp and the ass it's nestled above.