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  1. eddy600

    Gov. Polis ruined Colorado. More good news for tesla
  2. eddy600

    open show an tell 19

    I got around to planting 3 plants a blue sunshine,kush &cherrypie cross & an inspector lestrade.I'm down to 7 plants to fill two spots in my greenhouse after i get them sexed out. Good luck this year & happy growing
  3. eddy600

    Trump spent $102 million playing golf, on the taxpayer's dime

    Word on the street,that piece of meat has your name on it
  4. eddy600

    Trump spent $102 million playing golf, on the taxpayer's dime

    A guest at a private golf club isn't allowed to pay,the round of golf,food & drink is billed to the member on a monthly basis. I doubt these people drank & dashed,the club billed Trump.
  5. eddy600

    Bernie Sanders 2020

    Obama care probably cost the retired members of your union about $77 a month,I don't even want to know what Bernie's plan would cost.
  6. eddy600

    Bernie Sanders 2020

    You should have a MAGA hat as your avatar
  7. eddy600

    Genetics: high yielding in high wind

    paper towel in a plastic bag on top of my cable box.
  8. eddy600

    Genetics: high yielding in high wind

    Iv grown golden lei from snowhigh a few years back it finished late mid November. I tried to pop the last 3 seeds this year and make seeds but none of them popped.
  9. eddy600

    Genetics: high yielding in high wind

    I pop my seeds in an incubator it keeps a constant temp & humidity. the top of my cable box will also keep the seeds warn enough. wind where i'm at keeps the humidity low & the flying pests grounded. higher humidity helps in popping seeds
  10. eddy600

    Genetics: high yielding in high wind

    I live in a high wind area and use a lot of support wire and netting. Dr Dank 81 or something like that his plants all have grown large and are big producers. I'm growing two of his this year & a cross i made from one of his females.I haven't harvested any of these strains to offer an opinion.
  11. eddy600

    open show an tell 19

    Tossed five males & identified three females.Spotted some strange bug crawling on my plants so its time to break out the neem
  12. eddy600

    Doc's Dank Seeds

    Two B24 males & an inspector lesrade that turned out to be males.
  13. eddy600

    Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.
  14. eddy600

    Very young seedlings brown and yellow leaves

    try switching to bottled water see if that helps
  15. eddy600

    Green house and ventilation question

    I live in socal, sun village that greenhouse would not work for me.It's not tall enough & does not provide enough ventilation. I think DoubleJJ has a link to some greenhouse covers that go over those car ports & have roll up sides with nylon screen to keep the bugs out. they are taller and offer...
  16. eddy600

    Biden vs Trump

    Your information is not 100% correct my family has plants in china & Malaysia all of their product is shipped back here for sale. When they are finished running your products they run extra for themselves, most look at it as part of the deal.
  17. eddy600

    Crack Pipe, IDs, And Badge Found In Hunter Biden Rental Car

    He undoubtedly learned this from Barry & Joe.His supporters are only interested in keeping their Obama phone & EBT cards.
  18. eddy600

    Bernie Sanders 2020

    Looking at that chart the national debt increased twice as much under Obama as any other two presidents before him.Take a look the debt started to spiral out of control under Obama,some of it is from cleaning up after Bush but a big part of it is his giveaways
  19. eddy600

    Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

    Carbon credits aren't good for any body but Tesla.they just allow the other car company to put out overly polluting cars without investing in less polluting technology. We have the highest prices for gas here because of carbon credits,one company buys a refinery and closes it for the credits so...