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  1. eddy600

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

    It's surprising that Trump hasn't slipped her a $20 for a piece of it yet
  2. eddy600

    open show an tell 19

    Some seeds i popped on april I just up potted them from solo cups. Some of Docks testers,Bodi & Big worm. The weather is nice here 78* & no wind
  3. eddy600

    Rosenstein Quits

    Kim Foxx seems like a great choice & would swing the LGBT vote in the 2020 election
  4. eddy600

    Sanders booed at She The People conference

    Fake Capitalism,He must have learned that trick from the mayor of Baltimore
  5. eddy600

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

    Somebody like yourself that wears a paper hat to work & puts salt on fries,I wouldn't expect to appreciate or understand a tax write off.
  6. eddy600

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

    It make him the teflon Don. Trump has saved many people 100s of thousands in taxes & people vote for what keeps the most money in their pockets.
  7. eddy600

    Joe Biden announces he is running for president in 2020

    Is Joe just a Groper or is he also a Pedo this along with his south of his shoe size IQ makes him unelectable
  8. eddy600

    Gov. Polis ruined Colorado.

    When you figure the model S is north of 150K and you want to get rid of it in 2 1/2 years the resale value of it is 40K,It pencils & papers to about $8 a mile. Most who buy them only buy them once & switch back to something more conventional.
  9. eddy600


    looks like Black dog to me.I grew a few of these outdoors it's great weed but super small about a 1/4 of the size of my other plants
  10. eddy600

    DIY Evap Cooler

    It's about 8 by 12 & would be a bit small for yours & bigger one would work. they store peaches in large buildings with one evap cooler wall around here but it's not a greenhouse (dark inside). with a few fans blowing across them they can handle 100* no problem. I have a power sprayer if i have...
  11. eddy600

    DIY Evap Cooler

    I have 5 exhaust points for the air coming from my cooler to exit 5in by 16in on each wall & a hinged 16in by 46in ceiling vent. It took a bit of adjustment of the ceiling vent to avoid heat stratification,if it was to open the top would be much cooler than the rest of the greenhouse...
  12. eddy600


    who got banned
  13. eddy600

    Small greenhouse grow outdoor?

    I would look for something bigger 10 by 20 & 12 feet tall with roll up sides that have a screen behind the roll up sides.the front and back would also have screened openings to allow plenty of air flow & keep the bugs out.a set up like this will keep most bugs out except spider mites. a fan on...
  14. eddy600


    Heisen should go back to Logic with his hat in his hand & team up once again,that's the only place he can get $15 or $20 per seed
  15. eddy600

    When to augment the nutrients already mixed in Fox Farm soil.

    You have a nice selection of seeds good luck with your grow.Where i'm at i start popping seeds in the beginning of April to avoid Flowering and reveg issues,Larry the gardner lives close to you and could give you a wealth of great info
  16. eddy600

    When to augment the nutrients already mixed in Fox Farm soil.

    with a mixture of happy frog and FFOF i supplement in about 3 weeks.The bottom of yours don't add any nutes so i would imagine yours would need added nutes sooner.I live where it is hot and a 5 gallon smart pot would need watered twice a day making growing harder,I would never use anything...
  17. eddy600

    Heavy rains

    Keep them caged up vertically & horizontally,wind and rain causes branches to break & plants to blow over without the proper support.
  18. eddy600

    What size pots should I be using?

    I start my plants in1 gallon pots & move them to 2 gallon pots to sex them in.I move them to 4 ft by 4 ft by 3ft deep holes or 60 gallon smart pots,the ones in the holes average about 5 or 6 lbs & the smart pots about half that size.
  19. eddy600

    When is the earliest I can start seedlings outdoor without artificial lighting in northern californ

    april works in socal never any issues with flower & reveg
  20. eddy600

    Scrog Virgin

    I use string with 4in squares and cut it out when the first plant is done,they seem to hold their shape & can be moved to a better light position