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  1. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    I've heard you can wash it in an H2O2 solution and then redry and cure like normal. There's a Cervantes video floating around with instructions.
  2. Gastanker

    How to loose drugs when arrested. evidence destroyer

    If I lit my pot on fire in front of a police officer wouldn't he smell it? And if not, wouldn't a soda can with a tiny amount of gasoline work just as well? Better yet you could roll it up and smoke it real fast as he approached - tada, evidence gone lol
  3. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    Just dry ice in a jar with some silk screen. Not sure of the size but I want to say it's much larger holes than a standard work bag. I shook as hard and as long as I could as I don't really care about quality when baking... but I just checked and it's actually fairly clean considering...
  4. Gastanker

    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    I agree. I just hashed out a jar of bud and at first I smelled nothing but after leaving the house and returning it smacked me in the face like a hammer. This will be going into two sticks of butter for cookies :)
  5. Gastanker

    FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!

    Epic. I've seen him before but this one just did it for me big time. That first rewind was the most pleasant but firm slap in the fucking face I've had in a while - Bravo to him! And props to you for posting.
  6. Gastanker

    Hash oil experiment, am I just lucky?

    He's using the tiny cans. His 4 cans = 1 standard can. Although that does still seem like quite a bit considering I use two (standard) cans per 1.5ish oz.
  7. Gastanker

    Hash oil experiment, am I just lucky?

    Sounds like you are either talking about ice build up on the bud, your butane has a ton of wax in it, or you're actually dissolving your pvc - although I doubt you're dissolving the pvc. .5 from 3.5 is ~14% which is totally possible but if you pull another .5 I'd wonder what you're really...
  8. Gastanker

    A tax analogy, who's really paying their fair share?

    Pretty sure those numbers are off but let's say they are correct. So you contribute $7,500 and he contributes $2,600,000. And you say you're contributing more than he is? I'm confused... I wonder if he uses 34,600% more of the governments resources than you do. The richer you are the more...
  9. Gastanker

    Im gonna use a pound of mid grade? Help for a beginner!?

    I'm no expert but I personally prefer smoking hash and ISO oil over BHO. I was a HUGE BHO fan until I started smoking ISO oil and I have to say that I personally think it tastes better and smokes cleaner - by smokes cleaner I mean I don't feel as ill afterwards. I'm not claiming that BHO is...
  10. Gastanker

    How to loose drugs when arrested. evidence destroyer

    I got pulled over for speeding while smoking a J - like the police officer walked up and I was holding onto it still. After passing the intoxication roadside test he gave me a ticket for possession and let me go on my way. Turns out the pot charge actually saved me quite a bit of money over...
  11. Gastanker

    Diablo 3 anyone?!!

    JSP didn't start an economy with zero currency - there was definitely some initial "free" FG put into circulation at the start. I assume the players with 1mil FG didn't pay for it all either - in fact I bet they paid for a relatively small portion of it, if any. JSP aside, I didn't mean to...
  12. Gastanker

    Diablo 3 anyone?!!

    I'm guessing $500 will be cheap for certain items. There are still D2 classic items selling for higher than that - and there's far less than ~1000 continuous D2 players (non LOD).
  13. Gastanker

    Diablo 3 anyone?!!

    They changed the randomly generated items back? They had definitely ruled that out for a good two years. And they most definitely were offering premade characters at a point as well - like I said, the story has been changing for the past 5 years? As for purchasing items directly from the...
  14. Gastanker

    Are Panda Bears Really Worth Protecting?

    A good friend of mine is paid by the government to collect particular frog eggs and hatch them out. This species of frog lives in three small (<250'x250') muddy pools in the woods of Mississippi and nowhere else on earth. The frogs serve no purpose to humans, have very little local ecological...
  15. Gastanker

    Microsoft : death of the DVD

    I don't understand why an older version of WMP wouldn't work... Not like they are getting rid of backwards compatibility. Of course VLC > WMP and it's always been free.
  16. Gastanker

    Diablo 3 anyone?!!

    I was waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and they kept postponing, and postponing, and postponing, and then they fucked the game up... *Yeah for a WOW wannabe game!* No more randomly generated items, you can paypal high level characters directly from the developer, purchase the best items for...
  17. Gastanker

    How to loose drugs when arrested. evidence destroyer

    You mean I don't need to carry this canteen of hydrofluoric acid around with me anymore?
  18. Gastanker

    Im gonna use a pound of mid grade? Help for a beginner!?

    I would say dry ice hash and clean it up with 99% iso instead of the butane.
  19. Gastanker

    How does molassas work?

    I've heard crazy weird stories about molasses but here is the basics - First off you want black strap molasses - this is NOT the stuff sold in supermarkets as blackstrap (although it will work to a lesser degree). True black strap molasses is gross, you would never want to just eat it...