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  1. Gastanker

    I went on the worst date ever

    You calling her frigid? :) I hear I smell like pot... is that good or bad?
  2. Gastanker

    Par Readings

    Here's a 120w model of 50/50 white/blue that reads 1250 umol from 12" - The Kessil 150 10k series (for aquarium and not horticulture) was measured at 2000umol from 6" Unfortunately no reading from 1'...
  3. Gastanker

    Par Readings

    This is for a 6x4 (24 diode) DIY unit of 50/50 white/blue CREEs Q4's driven at 700mA (I believe ~74w) Build is here -
  4. Gastanker

    Par Readings

    Someone needs to test a pure white LED unit. No reason it wouldn't blow away all of the competitors when it comes to straight PAR - colored LED diodes aren't nearly as efficient and although the white diodes are wide spectrum most of it falls within the PAR range. If you hit up aquarium...
  5. Gastanker

    CFL vs. T5 experience.

    I feel you. I've used both and I like CFLs. They are so much less expensive and you are much more free to run whatever amount of wattage you want and in whatever combination of spectrum. Not to mention you end up with a life time supply of house lighting. With everything included I can run...
  6. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    So temperature and humidity play several roles. Chemical reactions speed up with heat so the warmer the environment the faster the plant is able to grow. At the same time the warmer the air temps are the less dense the air is which decreased available necessary gasses. Additionally, high...
  7. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    Oh jeez, didn't realize you went with roots last time. Buying by the yard is magnitudes less expensive than by the bag. And I only assume you get a discount when ordering by the semi :) I'm very jealous of you.
  8. Gastanker

    OK, I Give, What The Hell Is It? Mushroom? Plus: ID This Bug

    It's a mantis egg case. Not sure what the bug is.
  9. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    Not at all too cold. Damn, you Australians must have a crazy sense of what is hot and cold :)
  10. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was a neighbor of mine at one point. Amazing grow of his. The worm farm he uses has some pretty amazing soil. Wouldn't be surprised if their "local growers mix" was based on his order. Were you dissapointed with your last mix?
  11. Gastanker

    10 kw in two tents!

    I'm subbed. Looks great. Have a thread for this years outdoor?
  12. Gastanker

    225 Gallon Smart Pot Super Soil

    Looks great. You have a new thread for this season?
  13. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    I'll second that ^ Makes me nervous about giving any advice though. To be honest, aside from my personal grows, super highly amended potting soil is not really what I study.
  14. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    That looks good to me but I might not add all of the magnesium sulfate. You already have a bit of Mg and you're sulfate levels are a tad high. Can always supplement with a liquid Mg if necessary. Do you have a link to his journal? I'm curious as to his results with a mix like he's using...
  15. Gastanker

    368 watt CFL veg cab/600 watt HPS flower cab perpetual journal

    Larger holes should definitely help. Don't make me post that picture of pipe flow reduction as diameter decreases :)
  16. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    His ratios are as follows - 5:1:16 NPK with the K 2:1 insoluble:soluble Your current ratio - ?:1:13 insoluble 2:0:3 soluble I would recommend adding 2 parts soluble N, 4 parts insoluble K, 2 parts soluble K, .5-1 part P. I would also recommend adding some insoluble N but no idea what to...
  17. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    Might want to black out the personal information.
  18. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    1 gallon of azamax makes 256 gallons of soil drench solution. At 1 pint per gallon of soil as recommended, you would need 7.3g of Azamax to treat 75 yards of soil. How many dump trucks is 75 yards?
  19. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    Hehe, practical sustainable farming is a complete oxymoron atm huh? But that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it. :) Agricultural version of cold fusion - although with the current population increase cold fusions is more likely.
  20. Gastanker

    Gnats/Cooking SuperSoil

    This is from cornell - "The key insecticidal ingredient found in the neem tree is azadirachtin, a naturally occurring substance that belongs to an organic molecule class called tetranortriterpenoids (6). It is structurally similar to insect hormones called "ecdysones," which control the...