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  1. Monkeyfloss

    My first TLO

    Fantastic and how it should be done, as simply as possible... Nice Job
  2. Monkeyfloss

    Please Help, Plant Yellowing Problem

    what ferts are you using now? keep the stuff in the fridge for yourself and buy something from the plant store for your weed.
  3. Monkeyfloss

    My first time smoking "Northen Lights"

    Its normal ... but go back to school. Your spelling and grammar is terrible and an education is more important than you realise now.
  4. Monkeyfloss

    I'm Getting Some Weird Ass Message When I Try To View My Posts And Threads

    Same here .... up till I read this thread I thought it was just me.
  5. Monkeyfloss

    BLUE CHEESE Hamburgers! 1st timer to eat!

    @Hampsterdam ....The above post is actually meaningless, pay no attention. The author of the post doesnt even specify what ferts hes talking about and I doubt he even knows himself. Just use your ferts as recommended on the bottle. When youve had a few successful grows then you could start using...
  6. Monkeyfloss

    Newbie botanist wondering what yall think? How am i doin?

    Im guessing not too hot if hes using CFL's .... I reckon the plants are healthy but probably have a slighty dehydrated environment. A regular misting with water could help.
  7. Monkeyfloss

    Newbie botanist wondering what yall think? How am i doin?

    They look ok to the eye I guess. .. Whats in Miracle Grow Bloomer? I honestly don't know, do you? Is it an organic product? Just bare in mind you will be smoking the finished product.... Sounds like it could be real harsh, so dont forget to flush with water for a week or so before harvesting.
  8. Monkeyfloss

    How to flush??

    Seriously though, what setup are you running? Soil or Hydro? Either way, the idea is to get water into the plants without additional fert. 2 weeks plants will recover quickly. Just provide your babies with water as they need. When your happy theyre growing again healthy, you can resume your...
  9. Monkeyfloss

    How to flush??

    Lift the seat, put them in, pull the chain.... REP please.
  10. Monkeyfloss

    Bust In Windsor, Ont, Canada

    What do you think will happen to him? How heavy are the laws over there? Prison sentence?
  11. Monkeyfloss

    SEEDS FROM BHUTAN, Need Help!!!!

    My advice : Just grow as normal and seperate out the fems. When you say will people be interested in Bhutanese Bud? Why not? If its good. peace
  12. Monkeyfloss

    How is my grow going? Newbie

    I would disagree .... Theyre certainly alive and not yet going critical. But should and could be doing a lot better. Because theyre still young all is not lost yet.
  13. Monkeyfloss

    How is my grow going? Newbie

    No, they dont look to great really.... If you continue in your present course you will not acheive good results. You sound like youre have very little ventilation. A fan circulating in your room just won't do it Im afraid. And what you going to do about smells when or If you get it to flower...
  14. Monkeyfloss

    white widow harvestt, pics

    If those pics represent the sum total of your harvest then Im afraid we're too late. sorry. Start again after doing a lot more reading. .... regarding those pieces of <cough> bud...... Leave it in the sun for a day and get the whole lot in a cigarette paper and enjoy your hard work.
  15. Monkeyfloss

    BLUE CHEESE Hamburgers! 1st timer to eat!

    well you understand what per cent (%) means , it means per hundred. So 30% means 30 parts per hundred. well.... 300 parts per million means ....... I'll let you figure the rest.
  16. Monkeyfloss

    I need advice on cloning

    No. Have a look on you tube for a video demonstration.
  17. Monkeyfloss

    Smelly Question

    ^True ...... You'll have to be patient and wait for her pistils to show.
  18. Monkeyfloss

    When do I first fertilize?

    ^agreed ... If they still look nice and green, you could start giving them a 1/2 or 3/4 dose of fert in the water for first few days.
  19. Monkeyfloss

    BLUE CHEESE Hamburgers! 1st timer to eat!

    parts per million