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  1. Monkeyfloss

    What Is Auto-Flowering?

    Dude, take a look in a dictionary under errrrr ........... 'clones'
  2. Monkeyfloss

    Grow Tips & Recipes for Growing the Best Marijuana

    Thanks, but i think everyone here knows Youtube's URL.
  3. Monkeyfloss

    Please help me grow elders lol

    also .... its normal for the bottom leaves to turn yellow and fall off.... if they're loose just gently pull them off, after all theyre not photosynthesising.... over all they look good!!!
  4. Monkeyfloss

    Please help me grow elders lol

    When the time comes ....
  5. Monkeyfloss

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    ahhh just give them a whack with a rolled up copy of high times. Its organic too.
  6. Monkeyfloss

    1ST GROW: Need pro advice please, + rep for helpful feedback - PICS

    Re Gnats? Don't worry about them unless theyre swarming.... I had a few pesty type things in my setup because I was forced to use some garden soil as a top-up....Killed a few by hand and anyways they were gone in a few days. Re Roots: You could easily tip the pots upside down, using your...
  7. Monkeyfloss

    Is RO a Must Have?

    I give you six months to live, tops.... just kiddin
  8. Monkeyfloss

    So honestly how hard is it to mask the smell of a grow?

    maybe a small ozone generator? they work great too.
  9. Monkeyfloss

    So honestly how hard is it to mask the smell of a grow?

    If the person moving in with you is a young dude who has ever smoked weed, then I would say its impossible to hide completely. Especially with that many plants. Realistically, you might get away with 2 - 5 but even then a stray whiff could make a hungry smoker turn detective.
  10. Monkeyfloss

    People in the UK!

    LOL .. Maybe hard to grow or maybe you needed to do more reading. Whatever. Goodluck.
  11. Monkeyfloss

    People in the UK!

    No you're right dude ... its too easy on forums to get drawn into silliness.... Probably my fault but I found it amusing the way he phrased his inital question and his subsequent reply made me laugh too. do us all a favor and die? Come on, that is too funny.
  12. Monkeyfloss

    People in the UK!

    400+ years (at least) ...
  13. Monkeyfloss

    need help with light

    Looks like a '2G11' fluorescent to me. Good luck finding a suitable fitting. Usually used in wall and ceiling fittings in bathrooms etc. Ditch them and get a growing specific CFL with more power. Like an envirolight or similar.
  14. Monkeyfloss

    People in the UK!

    When did you first notice?
  15. Monkeyfloss

    Chlorosis on upper new leaves

    Your light is the main deficiency problem. Firstly, I would drop your LED setup and move up to a CFL. ... I would also keep to the recommended dosage on the nutes.
  16. Monkeyfloss

    Chlorosis on upper new leaves

    btw ... DWC = Deep Water Culture
  17. Monkeyfloss

    Newbie, technically challenged, diy question, filter/exhaust, smell

    If there is a hole or vent for intake, does the smell not escape? With just a hole as intake, yes some smell can escape. This can be minimised if the hole is sited in bottom corner of the cab and exhaust in opposite top corner of the cab. It can be further minimised by using a seperate fan for...
  18. Monkeyfloss

    Question on ventilation for small grow tent

    There are also pdf instructions from the same site on how it all fits together.
  19. Monkeyfloss

    So im gonna buy kush seeds?

    We dont have those stores but basically you'll need a quality 'potting' or a multi-purpose compost soil. Basically any quality medium suitable for young plants, seedlings etc.. ... Also get some perlite or vermiculite and add a handful into your small pots.