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  1. chris42393

    Alien vs triangle, new plant!

    Sweet! Just got some Auto Blues from Mephisto myself, just started germin them, was definitely wanting to get some AvT for my next purchase. Where did you buy your seeds from? Was it US based?
  2. chris42393

    Why NOT to purchase from certain seed banks with Coinbase (Bitcoin) !!!!

    Thanks for the heads up! Sorry that happened to you!
  3. chris42393

    5 weeks from flip and only pistils

    As others have said, you're doing good. Those are buds! Im at week 4 in flower and my plant is looking pretty much like yours. Nice job! Keep it up!
  4. chris42393

    5 weeks from flip and only pistils

    Agree with this. Just got my first order from them. They had a lot variety, relatively cheap prices and they had fast shipping. Took 6 days for them to get to me. Im across the US from them, so you might get it quicker (assuming you live in the US). Ill definitely be ordering from them again.
  5. chris42393

    Knowledge is power

    My strain is called Delicious Candy (UK Cheese x Caramelo) by Delicious Seeds. 80/20 indica dominate.
  6. chris42393

    Knowledge is power

    Hello! Welcome to the RIU community! Sounds like you got some of the basics down for what you need. I suggest getting a PH meter to test your PH and to get some "ph up and ph down" to correct fluctuations. Had some problems first starting out myself, knowing PH is a MUST and so is correcting it...
  7. chris42393

    First Auto Grow! Couple of Concerns

    Agree with sunny. Personally, when feeding them dont use full strength nutes maybe 1/4th to 1/2. and with high powered LED lights (300w+), dont put them too close, you can get light burn. 30in (2.5 feet) should be around the correct distance as well during veg.
  8. chris42393

    First Auto Grow! Couple of Concerns

    Well come to RIU :) Seems like you got a good set up going. Is there a specific question? What do you think is wrong with your plants? Color? Size? etc.
  9. chris42393

    Almost 4 weeks in, whats causing this?

    Looks like nute burn
  10. chris42393

    Who got the best deals/freebies right now USA

    I would like to know as well! :leaf::leaf:
  11. chris42393

    Sounds good :) Welcome to RIU!
  12. chris42393

    Light burn?

    That could very well be it then. Obv some plants are a little more sensitive to nutes then others. Are you using FF Grow Big? My plant was a little sensitive to that.
  13. chris42393

    Light burn?

    Potassium def can look like light burn as well. How is your PH? Have you been keeping it around the same?
  14. chris42393

    Light burn?

    How far away is your light? From what i read, high power LED 300+ watt should be kept like 30 inches away.
  15. chris42393

    trump took 100+ vacation days this year. how many did you get?

    Literally 244 days to be exact (not joking) LOL
  16. chris42393

    Deny this

    Looks legit to me.
  17. chris42393

    Green line organics seed bank

  18. chris42393

    Root rot or not?

    I wish i did, the extra money would be nice.
  19. chris42393

    Green line organics seed bank

    This US based?
  20. chris42393

    Single Seed Center MIA or KIA?

    BIG thumbs down for TSSC. 0% germination on ALL seeds. Dont waste your money there.