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  1. jonblaze420

    if god existed

    Well, this thread was interesting, and fun. Thanks half loaf. Like your AV btw, looks like that dude's havin fun. :peace:
  2. jonblaze420

    if god existed

    Nice save!
  3. jonblaze420

    if god existed

    I am intrigued can you please tell me more? I don't quite understand. How can the universe be a sphere?
  4. jonblaze420

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    I'd have to say it's a combination of depression and something else, either CFS or Hep C. Read about Hep C and you'll see people talking about sleeping all day. It's not a voluntary thing for him, is what people don't understand. :peace:
  5. jonblaze420

    if god existed

    I wasn't fooled by the video, if by being fooled by it means I enjoyed it. :D I personally believe the Earth is 10,000 years old, and have scientific evidence to back that up.
  6. jonblaze420

    if god existed

    Hmm. Space is infinite? I don't know. Hey check out this video of our known universe after a splifferino.
  7. jonblaze420

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    The sleeping all the time thing sounds like he might have Hep C or some other liver problem, he needs to get checked out by a doctor.
  8. jonblaze420

    Hey ya'll

    Checkin it out right now thanks! <edit> I like your videos already, you have a soothing voice. Plants look great man.
  9. jonblaze420

    Hey ya'll

    That's a good idea. I could put a couple chapters on the net to get people interested in it when/if I ever finish it.
  10. jonblaze420

    Hey ya'll

    So I'll tell you a little bit about what I've been doing here. I recently finished writing my science fiction novel and am reading it over and making changes and corrections. It's arduous work. It's called Chrysanthemum and it has to do with deep underground military bases and aliens and stuff...
  11. jonblaze420

    Bud is chepaer than booze

    There's 15 shots in a 750 ml bottle, that would get most people drunk only once or twice. A shot is 50 ml. I don't think it varies by country.
  12. jonblaze420

    Hey ya'll

    Clicked on your sig link and saw some AMAZING pictures. How do I find the videos?! :D
  13. jonblaze420

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    Didn't read that before my post, heh.
  14. jonblaze420

    Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

    UKPr0, Get a physical ASAP, you may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, best wishes from the states here pal.
  15. jonblaze420

    Hey ya'll

    Been awhile. How's everyone been? Also, what's new? :peace: :joint:
  16. jonblaze420

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    I leave mine out on the table all day too and I'm allergic to dust and don't have any problems with it. Heh. I feel easier with that then cooking alcohol on a stove, but I'm probably just a pussy. :D
  17. jonblaze420

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    Oakley you ever let the ISO dry in front of a fan instead of cooking it?
  18. jonblaze420

    How to make BHO with some 12 year old.

    He's got a big tat on his forearm at 3:47 here.;feature=autoplay&amp;list=UL1Be2gH ezkuc&amp;lf=mfu_in_order&amp;playnext=1&amp;oref=http%3A%2F%2 re%3Dmfu_in_order%26list%3DUL
  19. jonblaze420

    There IS a god, And HE likes me!

    Nice man! I remember the story from when you first got out of jail and you were looking at going back for awhile I remember. Awesome. Today's the first day of the rest of your life or whatever. Have a beer on me.