Search results

  1. Gastanker

    New Acura NSX vs Lamborghini

    Eh, the old NSX was 100k+. A 2003 NSX in good condition is around 45k. If the 2013 NSX is actually 33k it'll be, by far, the best value sports car out there. Easily will beat the lower end Porches, all of the non M series BMWs, all of the American cars including the corvette at that price...
  2. Gastanker

    New Acura NSX vs Lamborghini

    Eh, the old NSX was 100k+. A 2003 NSX in good condition is around 45k. If the 2013 NSX is actually 33k it'll be, by far, the best value sports car out there. Easily will beat the lower end Porches, all of the non M series BMWs, all of the American cars including the corvette at that price...
  3. Gastanker

    New Acura NSX vs Lamborghini

    I have to agree with racer here. I loved the old nsx but the new one looks like shit imo. Looks like a Cadillac fucked an Audi R8 and the baby ended up with all of the ugly components and very few of the attractive ones. Of course this speaks nothing of performance - wouldn't be surprised if...
  4. Gastanker

    First organic tent grow.....

    They look great! Those two on the right have really filled in nicely.
  5. Gastanker

    Flowamasta's Grow No.3 indica clone-harvest grow Journal! 1 PLANT!!! 600wattHPS

    Looks great. The size and shape of those nugs makes me think of bear-claws (the pastry). Both are sooo yummy.
  6. Gastanker

    uvb lights?

    Yeah... aquarium forums don't fuck around with lumens and go straight to their quantum meters for PAR. Over and over generic T5s have shown to produce more PAR than narrow band T5s - the chemicals just don't fluoresce equally... My HPS puts out some of that red wavelength, likely more than the...
  7. Gastanker

    uvb lights?

    I personally can't afford the coral waves - would rather replace my 10.0's twice as often. And I don't really see that they deliver UV... They are 420nm actinic which is 20nm away from UVA and 95nm off from UVB. The coral waves have a narrower spectrum but the 10.0s deliver both more PAR and...
  8. Gastanker

    uvb lights?

    np. glad i could help. that video is definitely a bit dated and the guy is pretty funky but most of the info is pretty on.
  9. Gastanker

    uvb lights?

    I run them on the same timer. I'll never hit anywhere near the levels of high altitude outdoors (naturally where you find the highest levels of THC) so I might as well run them as often as I can.
  10. Gastanker

    uvb lights? I love UV. Keeps the area more sanitary, ups trich count, and more potent bud imo. I've noticed that it significantly increases the length of the trichs - in theory this would allow for a larger area to accommodate the heads of...
  11. Gastanker I use mason jars to cure, but have run out

    Yes it will work, as long as it doesn't smell like pickels that is. I know many many growers and middle men that store their buds in 1 gallon and 5 gallon glass jars. Generally the larger quantity you keep it in the better.
  12. Gastanker

    starting salaries for head growers and assistants???

    What are your qualifications? Botany degree? Horticulture? Plant biology? Business? PhD? How much experience do you have? How much have you made in the past in the same line of work? From an HR point of view it's a pretty simple question to answer if you're treating this as a legitimate...
  13. Gastanker

    2012 outdoor soil mixes!!!!!!

    Ah. Thought you might have been an old poster here who's name would have abbreviated to KB. Paradise is definitely properly named imo. Sucks all the local dispensaries shut down as we use to have some great strains passing through - we still do of course but it's a bit harder to track em down.
  14. Gastanker

    Club 600

    Shit, not what I wanted to hear Bass. I fucking hate mites and have always thought of floramite as a last ditch sure fire weapon... Costs that much and it still doesn't work against the local super mites?
  15. Gastanker

    How do I protect against squirrels?

    Both lowes and home depot sell chicken wire. Ask for chicken wire - not barbed wire. Would be quite the pain to string barbed wire close enough to keep out squirrels. Every construction/ag store I've ever visited sold chicken wire. Most anyplace that sells medium to large quantities of...
  16. Gastanker

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    My glass has been made and in a box with my name on it sitting by his front door for over four months... Or at least that is what I've been told. Waiting a bit on custom glass to be made is one thing but to wait over four months for premade glass to ship... You wouldn't complain if you...
  17. Gastanker

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    ofc means "of course" ofc. ;) Not sure why the "as" is there.
  18. Gastanker

    GrowLab 80 - G13 Pineapple Express ... [200w T5 veg / 400w HPS flower]

    Uh oh, another possible critic :) if interested, my last decent grow is summarized on post #740, or the bottom of page 74 at 10 posts per page (duh). After that was my move and now I'm just starting up again with things a bit different.
  19. Gastanker

    Bulletproof Glass Collection

    What PM did I not respond to? The last I heard my glass was on its way, then on its way, then on its way, then on its way... And I hope I wasn't the one to post any sensitive private info - I've been very keenly making sure to post nothing of that sort.
  20. Gastanker

    Grow Room Floorplans. Here to help.

    Phillip, you might be interested in this -