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  1. M

    Help me devise a 12 plant perpetual vert grow

    When you take away environmental issues and grow style, your yield is directly proportionate to light quality, root mass and active green matter (Leaf gettin good light). The more you veg, the more root and leaf matter is produced, it is as simple as that. I just pulled 9oz each of 2 plants veg...
  2. M

    What do you use to kill spidermites?

    This is the only thing that worked for me. Other products kill the mites but not the eggs, they always come back. Forbid 4f is a systemic treatment and kills everything one treatment kills the lot, eggs included.
  3. M

    I did it .......... my waaaaay!!!

    Well it's down now, gimmi a few days and I can lay some numbers down. In aswer to your question on dead spots, I stripped everything out from the cage back to the main stem, I wanted to maximise air flow and minimise popcorn. No internal dead spots. The latter half of flowering they started to...
  4. M

    How to dry my buds?

    I don't know about you but i don't have a seperate room with full odour and climate control to dry in, even if i did I would be flowering in it. Producing some nice bud can be as simple or complicated as ya want it to be. Chop em, trim em, hang em up, get ya new batch going. Prolonged exposure...
  5. M

    I did it .......... my waaaaay!!!

    This is my first run with this specific set up. The 2 in the pics are coming down in about a week so will let you know but I am hoping for 7-8 oz per plant. If my memory serves me right, I vegged for about 3.5 weeks.
  6. M

    How to dry my buds?

    Don't believe the hype. Hang em up in ya flower room but make sure temps aren't too high and certainly no fans pointing at them. Light don't degrade shit, they have been under ligfht for the last 3 months. Just hang em up and leave em. 4-5 days and ya will be done.
  7. M

    I did it .......... my waaaaay!!!

    I'd like to say it was my own, but naah, not my creation. I was hoping to get some to get some juices flowing about the pro's and con's of static plants and a fixed area tubular grow v's rotating plants and increased surface area. It makes sense to me but maybe almost tripling your grow area...
  8. M

    I did it .......... my waaaaay!!!

    It's AK Lemon, a cross between...... yes you guessed it, AK47 and Lemon haze. Been running it for years, always lovely citrus and a pretty good yielder.
  9. M

    room to move

    Didin't want to hijack op's thread completely, I started a thread.
  10. M

    I did it .......... my waaaaay!!!

    Decided to throw my style out there with a few pics. Ya don't really get the full effetct from the pics as I can't get a wider angle but ya can get the general idea. What you got to remember is that my bud is all the way round, not just the parts facing the light. Room is 8ft x 8ft x 6ft high...
  11. M

    Question about shelf gardens

    Let them do there thing then chop and swap positioning. There are always a few slower growers, put them up top where space may be an issue. Failing that a bit of supercropping will slow em down.
  12. M

    Vertical grow

    ya either bored and posting for the fun of it or lazy and can't be arsed reading. veg under horizontal light and make em stretch then switch to vert when ya ready.
  13. M

    room to move

    I have an 8 x 8 flower room with 6 plants around 3 stacked cool tubes, could do 8 but no room for me then . Loads of room in there but I have all my plants individually caged and now on kinda lazy susan / bearings things for easy rotation, feeding, inspection, bulb change blah blah. It is the...
  14. M

    better to have two seperate flower tents or one big one?

    2 flower rooms running opposite each other. spread the electricity use and heat is easier to handle. Makes perpetual growing alot easier also.
  15. M

    is plant rotation really necessary?

    Why do you think plants have the ability to move and follow the light..... Because it's what they do all day long, they chase the sun as it crosses the sky. It is what they are designed to do so in my eyes it's not really much of an issue.
  16. M

    is plant rotation really necessary?

    I am a stubborn fuka and unless I see it with my own eyes or documentation showing proof, I will try it myself. I am not saying those who have tried it are full of shit but there are many paramenters that can affect the outcome. All you fella's that tried rotation but it didn't work for you...
  17. M

    is plant rotation really necessary?

    It goes without saying that rotation reduces the overall light quality to a given part of the plant, but it's all swings and roundabouts. Riddle me this.... A 5ft diameter silo (5ft height) gives approx 16ft circumferance, total surface area is 80ft square. Lets say you allow your plants to...
  18. M

    is plant rotation really necessary?

    There are a few reasons for trying this set up, most of them to answer questions that come up during the many stoned hours that me and my babies share when the kids go to bed. 1. Does a branch/ plant have a light saturation point? I now have a 5ft stack of 3 cool tubes (plus 600w extra...
  19. M

    Hell of a Bad Situation

    they just look severely under fed/watered. Strip the yellow, that aint comin back, ya should be good.
  20. M

    is plant rotation really necessary?

    I agree to an extent but being able to rotate depends on the grow method you apply. My last grow was a single (silo) cage approx 12" around the bulbs and my plants growing into the cage. No chance at all of rotating, This time round I have caged each plant individually and the plant grows out of...