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  1. M

    Newbie First Yield. NOT HAPPY.

    Looks like you stunted them about 3 weeks before finish. This moves your finishing date which you probably didnt account for and is why you have such fluffy weed. No swollen cyclaxes, I woud say you missed the fattening stage comletely. You need to back track and figure out what wewnt wrong...
  2. M

    To good to be true?

    All looks legit if you get ya goods, not sure about those bulbs, never seen em or used em. very cheap. Reviews look genuine enough.
  3. M

    no increased yield using seimen, help

    OP..... The problem here is that your choking the chicken to often, daily is way too much. Every 2 day allows ya balls to generate a good amount of jizz which in turn gives you more fire power when you shoot ya bolt. Ya man yogart is not getting deep into the bud because ya just dribbling...
  4. M

    Yellow Tips on my young babies

    Rockwool retains water, if the cubes are sitting in 1" of water, they may as well be sat in 5". They are drowning. IMHO..... No water in ya table, hand water every 3-4 days until roots break through rockwool. Put your 4" cubes ontop of a secondary medium (hydroton or coir) and then flood your...
  5. M

    Vertical Scrog - How does it work?

    I am at a loss here, why are majorly over complicating a relatively easy system. You are destroying the major factor that vert growing gives you.... increased light foot print. If you put your nets outside your plants, they will grow into the light. As they grow into the light, your footprint is...
  6. M

    Cleaning Hydroton

    And the moral of the story is....... Don't come on here when ya totally baked. I thought he said "toss the crap out of it" lol.
  7. M

    Cleaning Hydroton

    either you don't use hydroton or you have some dirty sandy tanks if that's how you clean ya hydroton. Like superstoner said.... freehand and lots off water, preferably flowing water.
  8. M

    Club Vert(600)

    afternoon all...... Has anybody tried a F&D double decker? I am looking for a design that allows each level to be rotated independently from the other for plant maintainance.
  9. M

    Help please

    Don't trim aything, the lower buds will be 10 times bigger than the usual popcorn. Then again I grow sog so I dont't have tons of fan leaves or big plants. If your plants are bigger than than the light spread from your bulb, throw another bulb in there to maximise coverage. Also, if ya keepin em...
  10. M

    gotham hydro stealth

    go for mail order. If the oinkers are bored or on a mission to catch some growers where better than sitting outside ya local grow shop. No hydro shop will let the filth see their records or cctv without a warrant, why would they bite the hand that feeds them.
  11. M

    Help designing best grow room

    why vertical grow? vertical sog is ideal for you, it will allow you to have 2 tears of plants and not have to worry about the lights takinging up grow grow height. This is a bare / crude version of what i mean. I prefer to use cool tubes as they let me bring my plants closer (8-12...
  12. M

    so u think your a hydro pro?

    have you been smoking that whacky backy again? Lighten up big pants, it was a bit of humour.
  13. M

    so u think your a hydro pro?

    Come on now, you must have just got a bit off the wife and doubled your yield to be so fogiving. A new member strolls in with a 2 line post asking everyone to bare all. You have a lot of time on your hands if you answer all new members like that. No offence OP..... just a big ask with 2 lines...
  14. M

    Help designing best grow room

    I don't usually get involved in stealth or budget grows but I am currently looking into a canal barge so we have some similarities. Being as you are in a mobile home, you ducting for heat discipation can go through the floor and come back up in another room (if required) to recycle the heat...
  15. M

    so u think your a hydro pro?

    Imagine walking into a bar as a total stranger in the arse end of redneck county and shouting....... "yo yo mother fuckers..... who's gonna show me how to brew moonshine"
  16. M

    ventilation questions

    either, although less ducting is better when ever possible.
  17. M

    10x10 room, looking for a perpetual harvest(SOG)

    Why don't you try a vertical grow, as in vertical bulb with plants around. I am just coming to the end of my vert experiment and I am all for it. I reckon a 25% increase in yield and thats with a few problems along the way. With that space you could do 12-18oz per month (with room to improve)...
  18. M

    Grow up mate. This is not about you it's about growing. I don't come here to play happy...

    Grow up mate. This is not about you it's about growing. I don't come here to play happy families, I come to either get of give help. I posted an opinion, and educated experienced opinion based on the info I had. Not once did I star name calling or insults unlike yourself. I already apologised...
  19. M

    Ventilation Advice

    Yep.... I did overlook these points but probably because it was embedded in an epic post. I was going off your innitial few posts so I put my hand up, my bad. It changes nothing though, 2 or 3k without proper ventilation...... nah. I am done here mate, i tried. You push on with your plan, ignore...
  20. M

    Ventilation Advice

    Lol. "been there, got the T-shirt"...... do you even understand the phrase....... I made ALL the same mistakes and more. My constructive advise was to develope your skills gradually. It takes time to learn how to use your tools. I am no expert, not by a long shot but I do have many years under...