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  1. laserbrn

    900W BLACKSTAR LED - Yes or no? Why or why not?

    See....everybody's gonna be making these things.
  2. laserbrn

    How To Make A Sativa Short

    Yeah, that's always been the biggest deterrent for me. 600w is just so perfect isn't it?
  3. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    A full dose of Cal Mag is 10ml per gallon in hydro I believe. I know it's double what it is in soil and I belive in soil it's 5ml (1 tsp) per gallon.
  4. laserbrn

    How To Make A Sativa Short

    That has nothing to do with growing under MH/HPS. That's genetic.
  5. laserbrn

    how much bigger the buds get after hairs are starting to go brown

    If it's between getting a whole 'nother round in or letting it go another week...........get another round in ;). They will be fine by the 20th if they have to be.
  6. laserbrn

    900W BLACKSTAR LED - Yes or no? Why or why not?

    It's not that something "newer" came out. It's that you overpaid for what you got. If you bought a 42" plasma when they first came out, you paid $10,000-$12,000 to get one. Within 3 years they were $1500 and now that's about the going rate for a good quality TV in that range and has been for...
  7. laserbrn

    900W BLACKSTAR LED - Yes or no? Why or why not?

    The first promise was that LED's would be good enough in a few years (that came true) and now the promise is that they'll be affordable in a couple of years. They aren't really that expensive to manufacture so the high cost problem isn't intrinsic.
  8. laserbrn

    How To Make A Sativa Short

    Sticking to MH will keep them shorter. It's funny that people ask if it's possible to flower with MH. That used to be the only option and people did it just fine. I'm sure that there are still hold outs that haven't switched to HPS.
  9. laserbrn

    900W BLACKSTAR LED - Yes or no? Why or why not?

    Two more years man, two more years. I'll move to LED in 24 months. I have a pretty good sense for these 2 years what you are seeing as the "best" LED's on the market will be the cheaply made china-product and they won't be $900.00. It's like buyin a plasma when they first came...
  10. laserbrn

    how much bigger the buds get after hairs are starting to go brown

    I flipped on about the same day. We've got some time to go, don't worry. We're probably at 50% of the total size/weight. The longer it takes the better right? If they are this big at 5 weeks, hopefully they'll be much bigger at 8 weeks, 9 weeks and hopefully my strain goes 10 weeks, 'cause...
  11. laserbrn

    tips of my bud are turning white. the bud itself its trurning into white

    Is this on the very, very top of the plants? Could be light bleaching, but not enough info and no pictures :(
  12. laserbrn

    Plant dying :( Help please

    I researched it. I stand by my original assertion, if you want all of these benefits, but on a better scale....grow hydro. It just seems like more gimmickery to get people to buy junk.
  13. laserbrn

    Sopa getting passed tomorrow!!!! do you know it'll pass? It gives the gov't more power. Everything that gives the gov't more power over the past 20 years have passed. The people have become too stupid to realize the danger in relinquishing power and rights to the state.
  14. laserbrn

    Plant dying :( Help please

    How could you possibly yield more just because your pot waters itself? Does that make any sense?
  15. laserbrn

    Then and Now

    Unfortunately I'm still buying mine at the moment. I don't grow in the summer and last year was a disaster so I have been buying for months now. I still want my yield as big as possible, not as soon as possible.
  16. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Don't worry about it, we all do it and I don't take it personally. I too apologize if I've offended you during this discussion. But you are missing the point. It's not on an individual level. Let's say there are 1000 people just for the sake of argument. In order to feed, cloth, provide...
  17. laserbrn

    the gas people!!!

    In California that wouldn't fly. Nobody out here is growing tomatoes and paying $100+/mo to do it. lol.
  18. laserbrn

    Then and Now

    When I first started growin I remember going through a myriad of emotions. I knew that they were normal and someday I'd stop feeling the way that I did. I was just reading through some threads and I keep coming across this mentality and it just makes me laugh a little thinking how much...
  19. laserbrn

    how much bigger the buds get after hairs are starting to go brown

    4 weeks? Yeah, they will keep on When they stop growing, they are done. Until then, they keep on packin' it on....
  20. laserbrn

    Plant dying :( Help please

    I am familiar with Autopots, but they don't make much sense to me. If you want to grow automatically, grow hydro. I don't just don't see the purpose of the thing. Watering my plants is pretty easy.