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  1. laserbrn

    Anyone using ozone generator's???

    I have mine outside of my growroom in the room that the tent is in.
  2. laserbrn

    How Do I Dehumidify Without A Dehumidifier?

    Was it any real help?
  3. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Oh I'm aware that it works. It just takes a long time. The rooting is slow and then it has to reveg, but like I said, saves me waiting the 20-25 days to try to reveg that one. I it would be ready to give me clones hopefully about 2 months from now, maybe a little longer and that woudl be...
  4. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Some of them look smaller than others, but it's really becuase 3 or 4 of them were LSTed and one was topped early on. I hated having to do it, but their side growth is obviously now more aggressive than their top colas so they look puny compared to the beasts growing straight up. The one...
  5. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    I don't think I've ever heard that reference. I've got some 'bats'? What's that mean?
  6. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    I am pretty confused. I thought you were using GH nutes. If I remember correctly (again, too lazy to search the entire thread), you were using GH Flora 3 part in a drain to waste system right? Shouldn't this be your feeding schedule...
  7. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    I don't feel like scrounging through this whole thread, but I can't remember. What feeding schedule are you folloiwng?
  8. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    Are you shaking your nutrient bottles before feeding? That doesn't look like a good thing whatever it is. I've never seen an mj plant that wanted to roll itself before it was floered, dried, cured, ground up and ready for action. Have you calibrated your ph meter? Something definitely still...
  9. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Thanks. They look pretty promising. I am actually pretty excited to get this one finished. I have been buying for too long now and I actually look forward to going back home to hydro. I am in the market for a taller tent. I'm going to make this my veg tent and I have to find something taller...
  10. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    We are at 40 days of 12/12 now.... Things seem to be moving along famously. I'm actually not terribly unhappy with this grow seeing as how it's all from seed. There's one plant in there that's pheno's is completely worthless (at least it appears so at this point), but overall they are pretty...
  11. laserbrn

    Deceitful Women

    Only if she expects me to listen.
  12. laserbrn

    Deceitful Women

    Life is like a penis. It's simple, straightforward, hanging normally and then women make it hard.
  13. laserbrn

    What do you guys think?

    Sounds like you got a handle on it. It looks to me like someone just up and poured miracle grow in the thing to tell you the truth. Just strikes me as one of those kind of situations, lol.
  14. laserbrn

    Deceitful Women

    He just hasn't figured it out yet. None of them are worth the headache. If she's not into you from the start, get into her friend.
  15. laserbrn

    12-1 Veg Cycle, Step down Flower Cycle

    Meh, I don't trust anyone who's guide says "Vegetable Cycle" at the top. At no point am I trying to grow a vegetable.
  16. laserbrn

    What do you guys think?

    That's nutrient burn. Those plants just look flat out overfert to me. See it all day long. Look how DARK those leaves are.......holy shit. Stems are purple as fuck too.....water with plain RO water for awhile. If you transplanted they'll come back to normal. that old soil is probably so...
  17. laserbrn

    Aquashield to prevent Root Rot?

    Great product. Does what it's advertised to do.
  18. laserbrn

    Sopa getting passed tomorrow!!!!

    Latest rumor I heard is that they are going to vote on this on Friday. The New Years thing was a diversion to slow down potential protests.
  19. laserbrn

    Creeping Yellow Crud

    You already have everything you need for the 3 part setup. I'd just see it through with that and follow the feeding schedule. Why buy nutrients all over again? They have a decent looking feeding schedule and it seems pretty standard. People have been using it for years and I've seen plenty...
  20. laserbrn

    Creeping Yellow Crud

    You got the idea. Please link to your journal if you start a seperate one.