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  1. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    Wow really? Just make sure that plant doesn't end up like the one from Little Shop of Horrors, because I doubt Rick Moranis will be able to help you.
  2. Meth On Zombies

    Look of the Leaf

    Pics would be great in helping with the diagnosis.
  3. Meth On Zombies

    can someone diagnose this problem please.

    Your avatars adorableness will not sway my opinion on those little buggers.
  4. Meth On Zombies


    what it's growing in, like what kind of soil it is, i'm guessing
  5. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    You're really pushing that Chilli Burger aren't you? As long as it ain't a Chilli Dog.
  6. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    hahaha the smugglers nuggets made me laugh.
  7. Meth On Zombies

    What do u think?

    Does your friends name happen to be Hank Hill?
  8. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    Whats to tell? It's almost like eating a full meal, and if you find crabs in there, that's just a bonus!
  9. Meth On Zombies

    can someone diagnose this problem please.

    they ate my cucumbers.
  10. Meth On Zombies

    can someone diagnose this problem please.

    It's extremely resilient plant, it can recover from just about anything short of rabbits, because fuck rabbits.
  11. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    Also Cheese Fish Taco, get it, it's fish taco, but it can stand for yeast infected vagina as well.
  12. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    Seriously, this thread is extremely fun. I mean who doesn't want to be able to name their own strain? We don't all have the time and knowledge for all that breeding and selecting, and coming up with retarded names is always fun. So if you hate this, simply go fester somewhere else and let us...
  13. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    So I don't have the liquid nutes I thought I did, I guess I did use them all after all, so I'm gonna try to use the stuff I use for my veggies, so I'm wondering if these are good to use...
  14. Meth On Zombies

    1 week of growth

    That is a very nice looking plant.
  15. Meth On Zombies

    The True Hermaphrodite (perfect flower)

    are you gonna try to breed it?
  16. Meth On Zombies

    can someone diagnose this problem please.

    I honestly don't know as it's my first grow as well, but I have been told and read almost everywhere that you always ph your water after you put the nutes in, and you don't over feed it nutes so it's best to feed every other watering or every third watering. But I wish you luck with your grow...
  17. Meth On Zombies


    75-80 degrees F would be my guess.
  18. Meth On Zombies

    can someone diagnose this problem please.

    ph after the nutes, and only water with the nutes every other watering.
  19. Meth On Zombies

    Miracle Grow Confusion

    If you want, right now would be a good time to transplant her, I transplanted mine about a week into growing into a bigger pot, the plant might suffer a bit of stress from changing soils, but if you keep an eye on it, it will thrive, after all, there's a reason why it's called "weed".
  20. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    Menstruating Machete