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  1. Meth On Zombies

    Miracle Grow Confusion

    I would suggest not feeding it because you'll probably end up with nute burns on your plant. Just water it normally for a 3 months or so and then add nutes in small doses every other three waterings.
  2. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    In honor of Taco Bell, how about The Runs?
  3. Meth On Zombies

    Strange bumps in Stem

    Your plant might also be sleeping around and now she has herpes. Or it could be what everyone else is saying, but I'd go with herpes. Because Herpes are always the answer.
  4. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    I guess that was my bad, I should have mentioned that it was soil I got for transplanting my herb garden so the nutes where already in it, but I tried flushing out as many nutes out of it as I could before I planted my seedling in it, so it probably still has a few nutes in it.
  5. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    I have my water at a ph of 6.7, and it's not time release soil tje22. Yeah I'm happy it's compact and not all spindley as i've seen some grows. and thanks for the tip kevin, i was just going to use my nutes at half strength but 1/4 is probably best.
  6. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    So today I noticed a browning on a leaf, I'm a bit worried and I hope someone can help me with it. I checked under the leaves to see if there were any pest, but they're clean, I also saw the nutrient problems chart that's been posted on these forums, but it doesn't seem to match with any of it...
  7. Meth On Zombies

    Bubblegum kush

    no problem man, i just hope it's nothing serious.
  8. Meth On Zombies

    Bubblegum kush

    i was once able to burn ants with a small flash light and a good magnifying glass as a kid, so they probably are. again, i'm no expert but that's just my thought
  9. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    Thanks man, i'm really excited about my grow and so far i'm happy with how it's coming along
  10. Meth On Zombies

    New to all this Autoflowering

    don't line up your grow space with foil, try emergency blankets, the kind with mylar, tin foil might create hot spots if it gets crinkled. and as for smell, you can try using this DIY carbon filters from panhead and...
  11. Meth On Zombies

    Bubblegum kush

    Well i see some water droplets on the leaves, maybe they're magnifying the light and burning parts of the leaves?
  12. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    since there's blood in there, Red Tide Express?
  13. Meth On Zombies

    Cartel Weed

    How about Big Floppy Donkey Dong Kush? since donkey seems to be a popular option. Plus when you give your friends some, you can ask them "How do you enjoy your Big Floppy Donkey Dong?
  14. Meth On Zombies

    automatic seeds

    he's growing outdoors so it's probably soil and he has little to no control over light scheduled. just make sure you put it where it will get the most amount of sun, air, and try wrapping some chicken wire around it so as no large pests such as rabbits can get to it. the last thing you need is...
  15. Meth On Zombies


    You can always go to craigs list and look for a cheap or free wardrobe, or buy one of those disposable ones from u-haul. just make sure you either paint the inside flat white, or get yourself some mylar in there.
  16. Meth On Zombies

    Popping my growing cherry

    tablespoon my good man, tablespoon. And a few more pics today as well close up of the stalk and top view of the (hopefully) girl
  17. Meth On Zombies

    Pm function?

    buy it from some local dealer haha, at least where i'm at they sell some pretty good purple stuff, not sure the strain but they claim it's purple kush, some bubbleicious, and i think white widow.
  18. Meth On Zombies

    Pm function?

    i'm sorry to hear about the bud there man, hopefully your grows will be awesome. one of the reasons i love it here in cali is that it's easy to get top quality bud even with out a medicinal card, and if a cop sees you, he probably doesn't give two shits of a fuck on a rats ass to look your way
  19. Meth On Zombies

    Pm function?

    right now i'm a bit on the dry side, but just two days ago I was enjoying some Bubba Kush
  20. Meth On Zombies

    Pm function?

    Haha you probably just screwed yourself over with that, now I'm probably gonna pm you with every small little problem I might make myself paranoid over and believe my plant is suffering from. But is it cool if I friend you on this?