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  1. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    You are overlooking a very important possible explanation as to why your grow was superior to your friends. It very well could have been her inexperience, but another possibility is that she grew out a different phenotype. I have 1 phenotype that is simply the best ever, but then I have...
  2. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    I had a huge 1st yield. When I tell you how much, you probably won't even believe me. Well, thus far, I have 5.2oz dried in one jar, 1.7 dried in another, I'd guess another 2oz in the process of drying, and there is still a little bit left on the plant (the very bottom) which will fall...
  3. Cissy

    Largest producer?

    Whiteberry will definitely give you a big yield and she is fast to flower. She's also good to smoke. But, she is very light. So if you are going for a cash crop, then she will make your customers happy, but she will not weigh out as much as she looks. I'd say she has about twice the volume...
  4. Cissy

    seedsman whitewidow vs greenhouse w. widow (attitude sent wrong seed)

    I have grown over 30 strains and I would put Seedsmen WW in my top 3. I have a fast and vibrant growing phenotype. She is done in 7 weeks, very resilient, full of resin, large yield, easy to trim, and wonderful to smoke. Never tried the Greenhouse WW, but I doubt you will be disappointed with...
  5. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Yes, they are definitely glistening! And they smell wonderful, even now. How low do you drop your temps? Should I go below 60? I am running CO2 and have daytime temps of about 80. So not sure if dropping 20+ degrees at lights off is a good idea. What are your thoughts/experiences? I...
  6. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Here, but the pics don't do them any justice.
  7. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Wow! Those are lovely. Mine were not as purple. And here I thought I had a rare purple phenotype. lol Yours look way more purple Do you drop your temps real low? I have cold winters here and I was thinking about dropping down to about 60 during lights off. Curious to see if that will...
  8. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Mine are still not dry, but I am thinking that I will get significantly more than 2-4oz on this one plant. That being said, she was a mother and obviously vegged for awhile. I just cannot get over how big, dense, and plentiful the buds are on her. We'll see, but I would definitely guess that...
  9. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Coincidentally I have a couple of #18's lined up as well. Going to be my 1st run with those. And unless they are comparable to the SLH, I won't be bothering with them again. Right now I have a great pheno of a White Widow and the SLH that I consider keepers. I have a few that are lined up...
  10. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Yeah, they get a bit too tall. My only complaint. The 1st one, the one I just harvested, was a mom and she was trained to be nice and wide, so no real stretching issue with her. But her babies are all reaching for the ceiling. Stretching like crazy. Next time I will put the clones in while...
  11. Cissy

    Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff

    Just harvested my 1st SLH. WoW! AmaZaInG! This one phenotype is so full of crystals that it glistens top to bottom. It took this one only 9 weeks to be completely finished. and it has a beautiful purple color, despite my not lowering the temps in the room all that much. anyone else get...
  12. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    My PH has not slipped below 5.6 and has not gone above 6.0 the entire time. I have hardly had to make any adjustments at all, but I check it daily. Still at a loss
  13. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    Ahh OK, then I am confused. Thought you were implying that I was using too much Cal-Mag and burning the plants. I have been using 5ml per gallon the entire time. R/O water. So perhaps this is being caused by something else.
  14. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    bump..for advice on exactly how much Cal-Mag to use (assuming that's the problem).
  15. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    I have kept it UNDER 900. As low as 600 even. And for flower, that doesn't seem high at all OR does it? Either way though, I will flush it. ty
  16. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    Too much Cal-Mag? With everything else (the GH line) I go with about 1/3rd (or even less) strength of what they recommend, but with the Cal-Mag I have gone with close to the 5ml per gallon they recommend on the bottle (I read somewhere that I was supposed to). So I guess I will pull back on...
  17. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    bump anybody?
  18. Cissy

    Nutrient Issue or Bugs?

    This is a reoccurring problem now. My last crop had the same problem, which progressively got worse over time. Using the entire GH line and this latest crop is 3-1/2 weeks into flower. It is starting to show the same signs as the last crop which eventually had all of the leaves die or get...
  19. Cissy

    WTF? Which is it?

    On General Hydroponics website they are giving contradictory instructions. On their chart it clearly tells you to use Koolbloom at half strength during transition from grow to bloom, full strength during bloom, and none at all during the "ripening" phase...
  20. Cissy

    Killing Root Rot

    Rather than telling us to add 2 or 4 PPM to our reservoirs, would any of you know how much bleach would be needed per gallon in order to raise it roughly 2-4 PPM? As in ____ML, rather than just suggesting we add a "few drops". I have a large reservoir and I don't want to sit there counting...