Search results

  1. Cissy

    Bleach instead of H2o2

    Rather than telling us to add 2 or 4 PPM to our reservoirs, would any of you know how much bleach would be needed per gallon in order to raise it roughly 2-4 PPM? As in ____ML, rather than just suggesting we add a "few drops". I have a large reservoir and I don't want to sit there counting...
  2. Cissy

    Close Up Pics - What Are They?

    BTW is it safe to use a Pyrethrum bomb in my flower room?? Any precautions I should take?
  3. Cissy

    Close Up Pics - What Are They?

    thanks.. i've got a few Hot Shot Strips in the meantime, but I'll order a Pyrethrum bomb or two as well. No idea what they are, huh? I'm wondering if these or something else didn't get into my grow room anyway, my PH keeps dropping on me. Maybe some thing is in there eating or infecting...
  4. Cissy

    Close Up Pics - What Are They?

    I have hundreds of these things running around in my garage all the sudden (my grow room is located in the garage as well, but these are mostly outside of the grow room SO FAR). I recently got some deliveries and I also purchased some pond liner from the garden section of Home Depot. The...
  5. Cissy

    "Bugs" hoping around on the floor

    thank you but unfortunately, the culprits in my garden are on neither side of that list. I see that preying mantis is on the good list though and i have loads of them running wild around here. maybe i should catch a few and throw them in my room. i just worry that they will eat my plants...
  6. Cissy

    "Bugs" hoping around on the floor

    bump, jump, hop
  7. Cissy

    "Bugs" hoping around on the floor

    I noticed these little bugs hoping around on the floor of my garage awhile back. The big ones are about the size of a flea (but long, relatively flat, and skinny) and the babies are noticeably smaller, but still visible to the naked eye. Well, they were only on the floor (in my grow...
  8. Cissy

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    Bullshit. Who in their right mind would grow and TRIM an ounce of bud just to GIVE it away to you for $30? Not even a starving Mexican would do that.
  9. Cissy

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    How cold is "cold"? What temp would I have to drop down to and for how long in order to get my WW to turn purple? ty
  10. Cissy

    The WHITE WIDOW club, Show off your grow

    A couple of questions and observations I had a couple WW freebees given to me so I tossed them in with a grow awhile back. They looked pathetic in veg and early on in flower, but about 6 weeks in they suddenly blossomed so I pulled one of them out to reveg. Well when I revegged it she looked...
  11. Cissy

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    $80 an ounce? $500 a pound? Who in their right mind would even bother trimming a pound for a measly $500, let alone investing all of the time that goes into growing it? Ahh.. A Mexican, that's who and that would not be considered "fire", it would be called MEXICAN (and for good reason)!
  12. Cissy

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Please elaborate on this. Why would that be? How? I could get my room down to 60 during lights out if I wanted to, but would that be too much? Should I strive for exactly 85 during lights on (using CO2 of course) and 75 when lights are off? Can it be greater than a 10 degree difference?
  13. Cissy

    500CFM fan on a 950CFM carbon filter

    bump, cause i kinda gotta know asap ty
  14. Cissy

    500CFM fan on a 950CFM carbon filter

    I already have an S&P inline fan that will pull/push 530CFM. Now I am looking to get a carbon filter (a Phresh 750 or 950) for a room that is 12x12x8. They offer carbon filters with a 500CFM rating, but those are simply not good enough for my room size and set up (based on their chart)...
  15. Cissy

    Carbon filter IN a sealed grow room

    wow so you need that much? i have 2x1000w in a 12x12x8 room. so i was thinking of getting a Phresh Filter 550 cfm 6", but now I am thinking that might not be enough.
  16. Cissy

    Carbon filter IN a sealed grow room

    why would I need two and why would 1 have to be bigger than the other? ty
  17. Cissy

    Carbon filter IN a sealed grow room

    I have a sealed room, but as most of you probably know, there's no such thing as 100% when it comes to sealing a room. So some of the odor still leaks out. I was thinking to get an inline fan and a big carbon filter and just putting it in the middle of my room. No exhausting it (I dont...
  18. Cissy

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Thank you.. I spent the last several hours reading that thread and another (this one: and I am convinced to abandon this whole lollipopin idea. One question remains: when doing a 2nd harvest, do you just chop...
  19. Cissy

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Great. But do you have a link or a hint so I can look it up? Otherwise, the two of them have thousands of posts and I don't have time to go on a wild goose chase. thank you
  20. Cissy

    Anybody Want To Double Their Yield?- Desertrat's Top and Prune?

    Uncle Ben/Brick Top What do you two Gentlemen think of "lollipopping"? Is that a bad idea as well? Does cutting off the bottom 1/3, which never gets any light anyway, really force the plant to redirect its energy to the top cola's or is it a waste? Any science behind it one way or the other...