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  1. M

    Water consumption. How much water do your plants drink?

    Are you fucking with me...... every day. I am new to hydro and running a 27 plant table (flood n drain) and my res only holds 100L (about 30 gallon). Your telling me they are gonna gulp almost half that every day in late flower. I am only vegging 1 wk from clone.
  2. M

    Interesting Idea concerning medium

    Not sure what your describing there mate but it's not how a flood and drain table works. The table has a permanently open drain hole with a small diameter and an overflow hole set to the height you want to flood. The water is fed at the opposite end of the table and gives a constant flow of feed...
  3. M

    Flood and Drain

    Cheers matey. The clones aren't quite ready yet, will throw some nutes in the cloner when fully rooting and stretch em a few inches. I have a family (many kids) so strive for maximum efficiency with minimum graft so every 2 hours is a bit of a bummer especially as gonna veg in hydro for 1...
  4. M

    Flood and Drain

    Cheers big ears, I kinda knew that but was hoping to I didn't need to clean the whole system out. Ok, another Q. I will stretch my clones b4 transplanting to the table, this should give me a couple of inches of hydroton to sink the roots but they wont quite be hitting the flood level. If I...
  5. M

    Flood and Drain

    I am using an aerocloner, no medium, just net pots and plugs. Clones are now rooting and should be ready to transplant in 4-5 days. Another question. I now have it all set up and running, pots, hydroton, air stone etc etc and all seems fine. my Set up is in the loft and it is no mean feet...
  6. M

    Flood and Drain

    Thanx for the advise folks but I am going with Hydroton to maximise root oxygen uptake. Rockwool retains to much water to get the full potential of flood and drain.
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    Flood and Drain

    I am gonna give hydro a go.... Flood and drain table 1.2m x.1.2m SOG (36 plants) My question is how deep does the flood cycle need to be. The reason I ask is the table I am looking at is 12cm deep and therefore I can only flood the table to a depth of 11cm. The square pots I am using are 19cm x...
  8. M

    switching from soil to hydro

    My kinda thinkin although I replace anal with excesive love (c; Amount of pots ? Size of res?
  9. M

    switching from soil to hydro

    So replacing nutes every week is not neccessary. Just refill when they levels drop.
  10. M

    switching from soil to hydro

    I would expect loss of potency as each res is fed to the the next table, the strong nutes being given to late flower table (table 1) and the weaker nute brew finally arriving at table 3 (lights just flipped). The loss of potency would be relative to the stages of growth at each table.... I...
  11. M

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    Silly silly me. Heres me thinking that flower production was realative to seed quantity and therefore a good natural surival trait. Really really sorry. On a second note.... Did I refer to resin production..... NO.
  12. M

    switching from soil to hydro

    A quick overview.... I have been growning in soil for a while and fancy trying hydro. Gonna go with Flood and drain.... I have my reasons. I want to run a 3 table perpetual grow. I hate the thought of wasting nutes when res's need replenishing. Q's Why drain and renew reservoirs every...
  13. M

    24hrs after first cloning: Wilting Clones

    I know this won't fit with other techniques but I have 100% success every time using aerocloner. Cuttings go in tall and stay tall. 1. Cutting should be about 4 inches. 2. trim everything apart from the top and 1 fan leaf 3. have 1 inch of stem below plug. 4. cook in straight water (ph'd) 5...
  14. M

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    What can I say.... He needs his balls chopping, like a dog it will stop him being so aggressive.
  15. M

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    I try not to engage with ranting muppets like you but i just couldn't resist. Wrong about the sugar storage, and a shitty understanding of the world around you. Life is not black and white and all forms of life follow the same basic rules.......
  16. M

    Grow house security advice

    With respect, nobody is following me home. I only meet with one person in the chain and I trust him. He knows if I get rumbled it's down to him. Only I know where my grow is and I make damn sure I keep it that way. Sloppyness, smells, loose lips or crappy systems get you caught. Granted, there...
  17. M

    Do you flush? Do you kill the lights prior to harvest?

    dimebag :- lolololol this is THE most retarded comment that I have seen on RIU so far...because OBVIOUSLY plants and people are identical in structure and needs... Oh fuck me, heres me thinking we were the same as plants, best stop feeding my kids on superthrive and...
  18. M

    Building my first grow cabinet.

    This is my 36 site aerocloner . When cloning, no fan, no folair. Just put em in with rooting solution and water and leave em. 6-10 days....done. But if I leave the lid off or open vents too much.... problems.
  19. M

    First grow ever and I went with short rider from Nirvana, I need some help.

    pot is to big, downgrade and progress to that size.
  20. M

    My plant is too big

    That pot is far to big for plant size. Downsize to half gallon and wait for the roots to be pretty much busting out, then when you repot 1-2 gallon the roots fire out evereywhere. Wait, then same again into 5 gallon bucket. Ignore this advise at the size of your yield. Your roots are just as...