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  1. GrowinDad


    Can you find Boveda packs?
  2. GrowinDad

    Newbie heat issue

    cozz said it all. Sounds like you need good exhaust to pull in the cooler air and get rid of the hot stuff.
  3. GrowinDad

    I need help with these clones

    You don't want kill them, go easy on nutes.
  4. GrowinDad

    Never Again.

    It ain't hating, it is just that we look at that plant and it doesn't add up. I also don't see how that plant could yield that much. not trying to be mean but she does look skimpy and more than 20 days from a half pound yield. So if you did, then I hope you cloned her because you got something...
  5. GrowinDad

    Fresh Frozen vs Bone Dry - Thoughts???

    I am not an expert (obviously from the OP).. But there are two factors - one would be the efficiency of the solvent choice and the other would be how pure it is/how much water. While I have heard that with ISO, Butane, etc all the bad stuff evaps out, it still worries me for everyday use. I...
  6. GrowinDad

    how do you fuck up a miss?

    No. Cutting off too much would make it a normal topping. Cutting not enough means you just trimmed the leaves...
  7. GrowinDad

    how do you fuck up a miss?

    Can't see in the pics but guess would be you didnot go low enough.
  8. GrowinDad

    It's flower time plus a new toy :)

    As you flower and they stretch, it would be better to have the side lighting lower. cFl don't have much penetration, so the idea is to surround the plant with light. you can raise and lower the board they mounted to I assume...
  9. GrowinDad

    preflower question

    Post a pic. prob female. Why not just flip and see for sure? That is a long veg time and if you flip, you have time to remove males before they fuck up any girls.
  10. GrowinDad

    the sick plant

    nice recovery but I doubt it was the CO2. When I take clones, there is always one who looks on the verge of death. She usually ends up flourishing...
  11. GrowinDad

    Growing in a washer/dryer closet?

    Outside of smell, you want a strong fan for airflow anyway. If dojng this, I would still hook up a carbon filter so that the air gojng into the duct doesn't smell. Otherwise it could smell wherever it goes outside. Tents don't control the smell much. Do not underestimate odor.
  12. GrowinDad

    Zerowater and Ph?

    You can get Dolomite lime at any home depot or gardening store. I am a moron when it comes to science. The shit just makes no sense to me. Calculus, statistics - no problem. Start talking ions and I am lost. So while interesting, no comprendo. I make my own mix. Cheap potting soil (only...
  13. GrowinDad

    First time ever growing.

    When you decide to flip to flower, just do it. No need to slowly alter. That will not herm your plant. If she stinks already, it will only get worse. So plan ahead if that is a concern. Also be prepared for more light. She will get 2-3x as tall as she is when you flip to 12-12.
  14. GrowinDad

    Fresh Frozen vs Bone Dry - Thoughts???

    Some folks seem to make ISO out of fresh frozen, some say to get it bone dry before freezing. Just curious of everyone's opinions on pros and cons of each.
  15. GrowinDad

    Cloning Guide help

    I grow five plants at a time. To be safe, I take seven clones. But as I am now facing, 6-7 make it so I am in that mode of deciding which will die. Point being, not scientific but works very well for me. I like to take small "tops". I LST the mother to get lots of them. I take prob 3" cuttings...
  16. GrowinDad

    Zerowater and Ph?

    I use tap thru a PUR filter and it is about 7.8. Really, I think it depends on your water supply, not the filter.
  17. GrowinDad

    Veg Plants showing some symptoms again, HELP!

    In soil, Ph should be about 6.5. You did not post pics of the whole plants, but they may be root bound. 1gal is a small pot. 1 cup seems like not much water. Are there drain holes in those buckets? Water until you get some runoff. Then let it dry pretty well between feedings. What soil...
  18. GrowinDad

    When should I "top" my babies?

    I don't think it matters. It is just about making sure she is where you want her when it is time to flip.
  19. GrowinDad

    Very confused please help :)

    I have never had a plant that didn't smell. Maybe they aren't ecstatically happy, but they are healthy. No even if correct, not debating, I don't think good advice for a nube who may find out too late that they have odor. You will want the exhaust running 24-7 or it will smell. And the fans...
  20. GrowinDad

    First Time To Take Cuttings, EEEEK! HELP

    I grow five plants at a time. To be safe, I take seven clones. But as I am now facing, 6-7 make it so I am in that mode of deciding which will die. Point being, not scientific but works very well for me. I like to take small "tops". I LST the mother to get lots of them. I take prob 3"...