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  1. HookdOnChronics

    Ooops, i decided to hold off on flowering, can i go back to 18/6 from 12/12?

    Well shit man..... If you've vegged for 2 and a half month's I'd just say flower now TBH!
  2. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Oh I don't mind at all man! Thanks for doin so! Any way I can help get more of these plants on this planet, I will!
  3. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Haha good catch MC! 4000 more. lol and trust me dog, I'v tried to +rep you but STILL can't! lol, so I dunno what's up. It's all good tho. No worries!
  4. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    lol, Completely understandable man!.. And Hell yea! Those things are the shit! My buddie's got one. 200w and puts out 10000 lumens. Not to bad at all! I have x8, 26w, 2700K, 1750 lumen CFL's being used in my trash can flower chamber. So that's what, 26wx8bulbs=208w total. and then 8bulbs x...
  5. HookdOnChronics

    Ooops, i decided to hold off on flowering, can i go back to 18/6 from 12/12?

    Why would you even go as far as doing this 'shocktreatment' (which, BTW, is absolutely NOT NEEDED) and THEN decide you don't want to flower?.. Man, just a helpful word of advice, decided what you want to do, BEFORE you do it! lol, It'll make life and growing a whole lot easier!.. Have you grown...
  6. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    Nice shit man! Is she dry yet? Not sure why you've got the buds in jars if they aren't dry, all good tho. Nice first harvest!
  7. HookdOnChronics

    Ooops, i decided to hold off on flowering, can i go back to 18/6 from 12/12?

    How long has it been on 12/12? If not long than it shouldn't cause any issues.
  8. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    ^^^^ Kick ASS man! I like to hear it!
  9. HookdOnChronics

    Passthatsh!t23's First Official Gr0w

    Bro your goin around tellin us you just finished your FIRST HARVEST! Well WHERE IN THE HELL ARE THE PIX??!!??!!??!!?? C'MON man! If you've learned nothing about this site up untill now, you have to AT LEAST know that everybody is ALWAYS awaiting the pictures! LET'S SEE EM! lol :)
  10. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    On my veg room and BOTH flower rooms I spent around $60 bucks for all 28 bulbs I'm currently using. It's like $6 for the 3 pack of bulbs that I use, and I have 12 bulbs in 1 flower room, 8 bulbs in another flower room, and 8 bulbs in my veg room. So that makes for like $56 bucks. BUT add the tax...
  11. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Yea I'd say expect anywhere between 40-50% of that... so like 20-25 g's dry... Somewhere round there
  12. HookdOnChronics

    Violator Kush picture updates!

    Hey nice grow man! Impressive! I like the mother plant alot, bad ass lookin! *In that 9th and 10th picture it looks like you might have a magnesium deficence goin on there on a couple of the girls. Just a heads up. All in all, Lookin great dog!
  13. HookdOnChronics

    how many plants shall i grow? plz help!

    Alright from personal expierence, and research. I have found that if you grow a larger amount of smaller plants you could achieve a larger yield. If I were you, I would seriously consider doing a SOG grow. If you do not know what that is, google it. It's easy to find out, and easy to do. 18 oz's...
  14. HookdOnChronics

    How much can I expect to yield from these?

    Yea I'ma have to guess no more than 15g's a plant TOPS.
  15. HookdOnChronics

    Spider Mites.... How do I get rid of them

    Hot Shot No Pest Strip Used and PROVEN! Works better than anything hands down! I've turned a few fellow growing buddies, and some of my buddies buddies onto this item. Why? Because there is NOTHING that works better! Just be smart with it! Don't go licking the fucking thing! lol
  16. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Never thought about it like that! I guess if you have the extra time to kill while your waiting for other plants to finish it might be something to try out. +rep if I can MC!
  17. HookdOnChronics

    Fitting a 400 watt HPS into rubbermaid bin?????!?!? (+Rep for good advice)

    Nah, not totally correct - Not calling you out, or dogging on you or anything. Just saying your wrong about that one bud. :) I use ONLY 26W CFL's, and you can go check out some dense fat nugs in my grow if ya want. You just have to KNOW HOW TO USE THEM if your gonna go with the smaller wattage...
  18. HookdOnChronics

    Hookd On Chronics - The CFL closet genie

    Hell yea man, keep me informed of when you do so. I'll definitely want to be tagging along! On a side note, The plant with the 2 really large nugs on it. I harvested and hung to dry in the dry box last thursday. It was dry last night so I manicured it and it is now trimming. I also weighed it...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    Perlite in soil

    Um I'd just pull the plant out of the pot, throw some perlite in the bottom of the pot, and then put the plant back in. If the rootball is all entangeled in the soil I wouldn't fuck with it personall just to put some perlite in there. Just leave it, it'll be fine.
  20. HookdOnChronics

    OK all you urine haters check this out!

    Neither you mix it with the water your going to water with. It's got to be deluted or it'll severely burn your plants