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  1. HookdOnChronics

    2000watts.. light mover question.

    Oh my bad, I was just confused I guess... Sounds like it's gonna be a bomb ass grow either way! Goodluck man! Hope everything turns out awesomely for you!
  2. HookdOnChronics

    Need a Few Opinions.

    I would actually flush with the 6 gallons (even more if you want to, it won't hurt) and then on the 7th gallon use 1/4 strength nutes (because now there will be almost zero nutes in the soil) and the tsp of epsom salt and a drop or 2 of Superthrive <<<<< click the link. And you should be golden...
  3. HookdOnChronics


    If you use these lights only the entire grow. You would be LUCKY to get around 50g's..... EXTREMELY LUCKY! Now if you get an HPS that's a completely different story!.. lol
  4. HookdOnChronics

    Colorado - HB1284 (confused)

    Thankyou so much for the reply! And it would most definitely be for only medical use. Just a patient, trying to help another patient out. But I do not want to do anything illegally. Hence, why I came here to ask this question.
  5. HookdOnChronics

    2000watts.. light mover question.

    dude, ok, so your ADDING 1000w more. To a larger area, with more plants..... I would be willing to bet money that your yield will not suffer, but will be grately increased! Cuz you said you have: 1000w in a 4x4 space with 12 plants..... And NOW you want: 2000w in a 8x8 space with 48 plants...
  6. HookdOnChronics


    lol, OMG dude you want to know how many factors play into this??? Ok let's see here..... how long you veg how long you flower do you know anything about hydroiponics do you have a PH tester do you have nutrients do you have a ppm meter do you have any growing expierence at all how many CFL's...
  7. HookdOnChronics

    Need a Few Opinions.

    IMHO I think it's something to do with a possible cal/mag def... What I'd do: Flush the plant (puor 2x the amount of soil you have in the pot, through the soil) and then after that, I'd water with just regular water and add like 2 tsp of epsom salt (get it at wallgreens or something, way cheap!)...
  8. HookdOnChronics

    AN - big bud question

    Hands down NOTHING better than this! I promise you dude just listen! Why would 2 different people who have no idea who each other are tell you the exact same thing if it was bad advice??? Honestly, we've told you how to make your plants happier. It's up to you to do it. Not us. I do what he's...
  9. HookdOnChronics

    what type of nutrient to ger?

    Thanks! And I have! But I'm doin alright without it! :) I'd rather save the money anyways. Why use a pot-specific nute when mine is doing JUST fine! And is probably MEGA cheaper! Here's a couple examples of what Miracle Grow can do..... Oh yea, and only CFL lighting aswell.
  10. HookdOnChronics

    Colorado - HB1284 (confused)

    Hey guys so I've got a question for you about this new law or whatever it is. I have read it, and just have a question on it. I've only read it the one time (lots of confusing shit) but anyways. I read something in there that stated (Oh shit, just a sec, I'm going to have to go find at again...
  11. HookdOnChronics

    AN - big bud question

    Please listen to him! He is very very right! You are overwatering
  12. HookdOnChronics

    what type of nutrient to ger?

    Home depot, Miracle Grow: 'All Purpose Plant Food' < For veg ***** 'Bloom Booster' < For flower People ARE going to come in here and knock it. Saying it's bad... BUT, It's the ONLY nutriend I've ever used. And I've got pix for proof that it works. The great part about this nute, is that I've...
  13. HookdOnChronics

    What size cfl bulb for grow room lamps???

    I would say that you most definitely need to look into doing some LST with your plants. If your growing with CFL's, LST is an amazing/easy way to significantly increase your yield.
  14. HookdOnChronics

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    Um depends. Do you have other female plants? If not, I'd let it finish and smoke what you can. Does the plant have any trichromes on it that you can see? If so, I'd let it finish. Then harvest and dry and cure like usual. Then when your loading a bowl, just save those seeds you get and you can...
  15. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    This I honestly believe, is one of the MOST important things! Too many people just get lights and then start asking, what nutes, how often to feed, how often to water, this, that, ect, ect... Without even giving any specs about their grow room. The growing environment is one of the most...
  16. HookdOnChronics

    lol, thanks man! Hope that thread gave you a hand in somway. and that pic is sent!

    lol, thanks man! Hope that thread gave you a hand in somway. and that pic is sent!
  17. HookdOnChronics

    Can i Get more than just Seed???

    Because you've got a hermi brotha
  18. HookdOnChronics

    Ghetto Micro Grow, 1st CFL try, official noob journal

    Hey OP, you've got some severe clawing going on there bud! lol, You sure your PH is in check? Other than that things lookin great man!.. Oh, and you can always plug another power strip into the one you have now, thus making more outlets so you could plug in more sockets so you could have more...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    What size cfl bulb for grow room lamps???

    IMHO, the most eficient CFL bulb you can use. Are the 26w, 1750lumen, 2700K, Great Value 3 pack from walmart. It's what I use. Here, there's a TONE of info on all sorts of CFL's in here. I bet you could benefit from this quite a bit! Hope it helps...
  20. HookdOnChronics

    LOW wattage CFL's VS HIGH wattage CFL's

    Alright I KNEW I read something that states this is incorrect. But I wasn't going to say anything without being able to provide some sort of factual evidence. Anyways I was just doin some reading and I came back across it. It's in one of the 'stickys' I'll post exactly what is says. Then I'll...