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  1. laserbrn

    Why Grow with Hydro?

    Him? I should stop making so many assumptions. I REALLY assumed this mod was a girl. A 15 year old girl at that.
  2. laserbrn

    SilusBotwin's Medical Tent

    Yeah, that should be fine. I don't think I've ever phed the water I was misting with.
  3. laserbrn

    Leaves Yellowing (Week 4.5 Flower)

    I'm using the Trio too and I'm having trouble keeping up with N deficiencies. Honestly, I'm just not very happy with this line of nutrients. In your position I would give them a 1/4 strength feeding of N for another week and then just let it be. It's just too late in flower to keep feeding...
  4. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    Ah, they are small, they will be just fine. All that dark green indicates they have an abundance of nitrogen. Those lower leaves are SOOOOOOO dark I'm not worried about going a few days without nutrients at all. They aren't going to just "bounce back, it's the new growth that will look right...
  5. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    I started out my very first grow in soil. My next grow I did Ebb & Flow and that became my primary way of doing business. I have tried DWC and it's just not very practical on even a medium size scale. Having a big ass tube that is completely immobile just became too much for me. Rockwool cubes...
  6. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    I haven't really "switched" from hydro to soil. I am a hydro grower experimenting still with soil. It took me awhile to really get hydro down so I wanted to give soil a fair shake. I think I have it down pretty good now, but if this grow is successful, I'll switch back to hydro, lol. If this...
  7. laserbrn

    Plant dying :( Help please

    I missed that too. The second one looks MUCH better. I'd be a little concerned honestly buying a junk fan though. The fan becomes a VERY important asset, when it quits and you fry your whole crop it'll sure suck. If you run a 400w with a cooltube you'll be aiming for what 6 -8 oz's? Your...
  8. laserbrn

    Why Grow with Hydro?

    I can't believe what I've even seen in this thread. This mod has NO respect for members and NO respect for his/her position on the forum. The moderator isn't here to moderate the content, only to enforce the rules. There's no rule on this forum that says dirt farmers can't post opinions in...
  9. laserbrn

    SpeedySeedz Beware Rollitup Staff (Speedy Seedz)

    Yup, just says "This account is closed". That guy never could get it together.
  10. laserbrn

    What's going on?

    Just out of pure curiosity here...what makes you think N deficiency? The plant is dark green and the leaf margins are burnt to a crisp. This plant is either overferted or he's got that heater blowing on them. My first guess is actually that the soil is too hot and it's overferting the plants...
  11. laserbrn

    What's going on?

    Get rid of the heater. Burns more watts than a light, could be causing your problem and isn't helping your plants to grow. If it's too cold, use a bigger light, you're in veg! Toasty is the word I'd use. I'm thinking that soil may be too hot.
  12. laserbrn

    Help! Can somebody tell me what's wrong with my stem?

    How high up the cube are you watering? It seems to me like there's too much moisture on the top of your cubes. I have never dealt with fungis or stem rot, but I assume it has to do with too much moisture up on top of the cube. There's no roots up there, why the water? Are you flooding the...
  13. laserbrn

    Help! Can somebody tell me what's wrong with my stem?

    What kind of system are you using? Are these just RW cubes sitting on top of a flood table? Why does the top of the cube seem wet?
  14. laserbrn

    Help diagnosing problems with plants, pictures. Tips curling under, edges raising up.

    Honestly bro....scrap'em. I know it's HARD as all hell, but this aphid problem is going to drive you fuckin' crazy. I personally would clean house at this point. If Azamax isn't helping I'd just clear the plants out, fog the whole thing and start over. But that's my personality. I KNOW how...
  15. laserbrn

    My first Indoor Grow, all Help Appreciated

    Oh well then yeah, shit that works. I gotta move up north. I just wish I didn't have a career, I daydream about growing pot for living. I just fear it's it's going to become more and more legal, more and more taxed and eventually growers will just be slaves to the state.
  16. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    No, use the RO water. You don't have that many plants so it should be able to create more than enough water. My little tiny RO unit can filter 5 gallons of water in 45 minutes. Don't put in Cal Mag, don't put in anything. Not for the initial flush through, just plain PHed water. After that...
  17. laserbrn

    Why only 1 blade fan leaves? Please HELP :(

    It's pretty clear what happened. You had your plants on 12/12 and they started flowering. Then you flipped it back to 18/6 and they are re-vegging. It takes a long time to get the plants to reveg and you're just seeing what it looks like. If you've ever seen a grow where someone does a reveg...
  18. laserbrn

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    Overfed, plain and simple. At this size you should be watering once every other day at most in a 6x6 rockwool cube. I would dump the reservoir one more time (always a good start when things go to shit, so good move there). Add PLAIN RO Water with 0 PPM. Are you using a flood table to water...
  19. laserbrn

    Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

    Well, I don't think you would see such absolute opposition to increasing taxes if we could see REAL cuts and reformations. 35% of all wages paid in 2009 where paid to welfare and disability recipients. Does that sound like fraud to you? Wouldn't you expect that number to be closer to 2%?
  20. laserbrn

    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    Frettfreak (I'm assuming that's a guitar reference?).... I got your PM. I'm going to look through your pics and try to tell you what I think you should do to put them back on track. At least what I would do in your shoes. I have grown hydro and have more experience with it than soil so I'll...