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  1. O

    Week 6 flowing deficiency

    Strain is samasara green love potion is 55-60 day flowering time. I switched to bloom nutes 4 weeks ago and between those 4 weeks I have fed her twice tiger bloom at 1/4 strength. I have started using molasses 2 tsp per gallon could that be what throwing everything off?
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    Week 6 flowing deficiency

    Could this be a cal/mag defiency?
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    Week 6 flowing deficiency

    in on week 6 and leafs starting to turn yellow on older leafs. Some leafs edges of leaf are turning yellow. Anyone have any clue what deficiency this is maybe cal/mag? Older leaf stems turning purple and then turning yellow and then falling off. Next watering is tomorrow so was woundering if I...
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    Watering question

    It was a lot darker 4weeks ago it slowly turning light green. I have not feed her in 4 weeks. I write when I feed and how much . I feed only 5ml of grow big. Since then no nutrients. This is a pic of the day I feed her and then she keep getting greener till now. the inside growth is turning...
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    Watering question

    Thanks guys for the help. one more question One of my plants the stem is turning red on older leafs and slowly the main stem. She in bloom could that be a deficiency? My temps drop to 69 at night and during the day they mostly stay at 79-80. When she was in veg the stem was nice and green with...
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    Watering question

    Dtl420 yea like every couple hours leafs would rise little by little with lights on. When light went off she was still a little droopy. I checked on her this morning and she perked right up but took her long time for leafs go back to normal.
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    Watering question

    I'm using fox farm ocean forest and I think next round I'm gonna add some perlite to soil. Pot takes a while to dry out and I guess I worry to much and end up overwatering them. Last time I feed her was 2-3 weeks ago. I gave her 1ml of grow big and her leafs were a lot darker week ago.
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    Watering question

    is it normal for a plant right after watering it droop a lot and take whole day to perk back up? Or is that a sign of over watering? After I watered her she instantly dropped This is her 24 hours after she perked right back up like nothing happened
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    Does she look ready

    So this is 7 days later and she did start to hermi plucking seeds when I see them. 80 percent of the plant has orange hairs. should I wait another week or just wait till all the hairs are orange before harvest? Plant has really nice sweet smell. Here a pic with leds
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    Does she look ready

    Only thing is I only have one tent and 3 other plants with this plant.i don't mind waiting till its finish just worried about the other plants. Will me leaving it their effect the other plants? Will the others hermi?
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    Does she look ready

    Here a closer pic looks like a banana now what chop it?
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    Does she look ready

    The plant is week 8-9 also I don't think their seed pods. Here a closer pic u can see 2 in the pic any one know what it is? Could it be maturing calyx? I been watching the plant and if I give it couple days white pistils come out of those things that u think look like seed pods.
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    Does she look ready

    just wondering how much longer I should wait before chopping her down?
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    Nutirent tox??

    Im using fox farm ocean forest and I'm using big bloom and grow big. I give 259 ppm of grow big and big bloom to the first plant and the other 2 smaller plants I'm adding 109 ppm with grow big and big bloom. What do I look for to see if I'm fixing the nutirent tox? Do lower leafs get less green...
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    Nutirent tox??

    3rd grow and starting to get he hang of things. I kinda nutirent tox my plants. I'm using fox farm soil with fox farm nutirents and added a little to much nutirents. Now my question is how will I know if I corrected the problem? I look at new growth right? Also will lower leafs stay dark green...
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    when i flush how much water do I flush it wit? She in a 7g fabric pot and I should ph the water I use to flush it right? Sorry if their stupid questions I'm new at this and trying to learn but anyways thanks for the help @Olive Drab Green.
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    what do u use to test the soil?
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    I tested the runoff water and its 6.0 ph. Is that to low of a ph for the soil? I think it to much nutirents from what u guys are telling me. I feed nutirents not to Long ago and since then it started to claw.
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    yea I'm aware of that and I'm using fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I didn't over water it. I was just asking if I should flush it. I haven't check ph in soil but I do ph my water to 6.5-6.8 some where around their before water my plants. I'm gonna check water in soil next time I water it.
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    So should I flush to get rid of some of the nutirents?