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  1. ML75

    First And Only time :)

    wow I seriously cant believe you made it that far. hell yea. good luck IDK what you can give her now
  2. ML75

    I need a surefire way to germinate my seeds

    what has worked for me with pretty fast results , is I soak the seeds in water over night. distilled room temp water. leave them in the dark for 24hrs. then I plant they shallow in the soil and within 1 day 2 at the most I have seedlings
  3. ML75

    cutting a small bud to test?

    if your that close to the end why not wait. I think you are being slightly impatient
  4. ML75

    DIY Cloning Solution in water

    Im slow too haha I didnt catch that but yea 100% success rate and no pictures
  5. ML75

    DIY Cloning Solution in water

    like that idea. use 1 gal zip lock baggies per solo cup??
  6. ML75


    awesome vid on how to clone maybe it will help maybe it wont
  7. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    No compitition we are all beautiful, fine, and sexy in our own ways and we dont mind sharing a little peak. so far every picture Ive seen here of a woman has been very attractive
  8. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    I saw the side view of your tiny waist and volumpious booty. I was very impressed. you have a banging body. I mean that in the most respectful way
  9. ML75

    Testing out my first bud!

    hell yea. mine are 2weeks into flower!! I know I will probably end up taking a piece off like you ;)
  10. ML75

    To smoke or save

    dude I do the same shit all the time. I spent $100 friday on a quarter suppose to last me 2 weeks. (yea fucking right) its monday and Ive smoked 3/4 of it. what to do what to do??? anyway I say FUCK IT MAN SMOKE IT...... may as well be high as hell
  11. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    this picture scares me.... what is it?? Im afraid to ask..... like what part of tthe body
  12. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    I like big butts and I can not lie
  13. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    damn hottie. nice boomers
  14. ML75

    Pussy for 40 Dollars! What a steal

    I guess to some people variety is the spice of life
  15. ML75

    Pussy for 40 Dollars! What a steal

    learn something new everyday =)
  16. ML75

    So why does one vid have more views than the other? this video is much more entertaining
  17. ML75

    The scary risks of smoking marijuana!

    I want my 30secs of life back. haha na Im just kidding I like the smoky orangatang
  18. ML75

    Procrastination 101

    maybe unpack those boxs that have been in the closet since Ive moved in here 3 months ago
  19. ML75

    Lace and Frills <3

    :joint::mrgreen: this is my alternative style... BOOYA
  20. ML75

    What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

    my barf just barfed