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  1. M

    Plz help me with my lemon skunk!

    Don't expect any more than 1/5 of your wet weight after drying, and if your pheno is anything like mine, frosty as fuck and needs minimal trimming. Even the sweet leaves are a pleasure to smoke.
  2. M

    Plz help me with my lemon skunk!

    I do, just the lemon doesn't need it. Smells, looks and tastes great without a cure. Blue cheese on the other hand is decidedly average without a cure. Wind ya neck in old boy, if I insulted you in anyway then I apologise.
  3. M

    Plz help me with my lemon skunk!

    Your brain is probably in overload with all the different advise that has been given because every grower has their own ways. What I can add to the cooking pot is that I grow lemon and everybody loves it. Apart from your PH being a bit high (next feed give ph 5.5 until heavy run off), don't do...
  4. M

    My Mites Wont Die

    For UK grower. This shit is £1.50 at Sainsburys. Put enough to wash your hands in 3 litres and spray every 3 days for a few weeks. The soap glues the fuckers mouth shut, bio degradable and doesn't harm ya bud if flowering. If ya close to chop time, rinse with clean water the day after each...
  5. M

    very new grower

    Are you gonna use a tent or the space as a whole?? Me..... I would 2.4 x 1.2m tent 3 x 600w hps cooltube 4 week perpetual grow using 8 weekers (lemon or similar) 6 vegged plants in 12/12 on day 1 1 month later 6 more vegged in at 8 weeks, first 6 out and another 6 in etc etc 1/2 kg every...
  6. M

    has any1 tried the BHO extraction?

    I do it all the time with trimmed sweet leaf, OMG. 1 J and ya fucked with a capital F. harsh on the lungs but mind bending. Ya can make a sealed tube from ya local plumbers yard for about £6.
  7. M

    recyclling used soil.

    Do you have any dip or improvment in results? It makes total sense to me, surely the dead roots are going to full of everything the plant wants.
  8. M

    recyclling used soil.

    Thanks but I can't just plonk 6 x 50g drums in my garden. I would like an easier system with less work.... bongsmilie Farmers do it all the time, just turn the roots back into the soil as they plough.
  9. M

    recyclling used soil.

    I know, it's alot and a pain in the arse. In theory, rinse any salt build up and convert old roots to usable matter with cannazym + new soil.......... why shouldn't this work? How does CANNAZYM work? Enzymes are substances that speed up the reactions in living organisms. (Example: enzymes play...
  10. M

    recyclling used soil.

    12 x 5 gallon pots every 4 weeks, I would build a small mountain in 12 months lol. Would seem a viable idea to recycle everything back into next grow.
  11. M

    recyclling used soil.

    Morning all. Has anybody tried recycling used pots/ soil. ie flushing used pot through to rinse salts, pulling out the main root ball and shredding the soil and root mass left over. Mix with new soil and add something like cannazym to utilise the left over dead root matter. Just a thought as...
  12. M

    Passive intake please help

    The stronger the negative pressure the better the circulation will be. High negative pressure pulls air in faster (in speed not volume) and hence will travel further.
  13. M

    Help please,purple stems and spots

    Ya numpty.... he's under LED's lol
  14. M

    Need help fast, budding girls are sick

    I am a soil man but use an aero cloner for babies. I have my sprayers on for 15 mins on then 45 off. Now I know it's not flood and drain but seems like a long time (6 HRS) for them roots to go without water. Also are you folair spraying with the ights on, looks like some burning going on there...
  15. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    bump bump bump
  16. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    I will reword my question........ Does anybody know the equivalent amounts to put in a fogger to achieve the same coverage as folair spraying? ie if I use 3 litres spraying (alot of waste) how much will I need to put in the fogger??
  17. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    I am 6 weeks into flower on half the tent and 2 weeks on the other. Any bud effect with this gear (systemic treatment)??
  18. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    LOL best and quickest response I have had from a thread, look on the bright side, they don't discriminate. So this fella will work fine
  19. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    Do you have a generic brand name, can find info on Imidocloprid but struggling to find a supplier using that name. Thanx
  20. M

    Fogger to Treat Spider Mite

    Right.... I am ready to shoot myself. I have an ongoing battle with spidermite, tried everything and the littoe bastards just keep coming back. My problem is that I have a perpetual grow of 12 plants so my tent is never empty and I can't give the tent a good clean. All I seem to be doing is...