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  1. sine143

    Blue Dream

    heres a couple pics of the bagseed at week 10. she got mad stressed at day 45... my b.
  2. sine143

    Super Soil Results

    I'm sure it has something to do with potsize/rootmass/hardiness of outdoor plants. you take and indoor plant outdoors and it dies unless you "harden it off". the process of hardening off is just transforming your plant into a badass hehe :bigjoint:
  3. sine143

    The Main-Lining Showcase Thread........

    heres a couple shots from yesterday. amnesia lemon. aos purple x 2. purple haze x2, bd nugget
  4. sine143

    Nugbuckets Exlusive: Chernobyl F2s

    alright guys, snapped some phone pics yesterday. first 3 are Blue Dream bag seed from clone (3rd run) at 10 weeks. she had a horrific underwatering episode around day 45 which I thought had killed her. last run with this plant. next 2 are Purple haze 8 head sitting at day 20 of flower. shes...
  5. sine143

    The Weed Nerd~

    always wondered about mixing in spent roots to supersoil while its composting. I supposse if I had 2 months to let it chill it owuld work out niceley.
  6. sine143

    What is the single greatest military weapon ever created?

    by using a computer once could learn of an f22 attack, and possibly implant covert agents to stem off the attack before its launched. intelligence networks dawg.
  7. sine143

    Cannarchy's Timewreck Tent

    i'd let them go a little longer, say, 5 nodes. I like for the stem to be between 1/8 and a 1/4 of an inch before topping (below the topping point of course). what nugs does is let them go about 21 days, flip to 12/12 for 5to7, and use his pro skill to determine sex. then he tops (which takes...
  8. sine143

    blue dream?

    if only you had qush, you'd be in for funk times.
  9. sine143

    Blue Dream

    foxtailing isnt too bad generally. unfortunatly, ALL 4 runs of this particular seed/subsequent clones has experienced either light leaks in the first 3 to 4 weeks, or heat stress/underwatering past week 8 lol. first time around was the best run of it, finishing at 11 and 13 weeks (top and...
  10. sine143

    Flowering plants under a 4 tube t5 fluorescent?

    5 days of 12/12 shows pre pre flowers, visible with a light magnification. doesnt take any more time for them to go back into veg then it does for them to recover from being topped.
  11. sine143

    What is the single greatest military weapon ever created?

    not initially intended as a weapon, but the greatest creation (that also has potential to be used as a weapon) is the internet.
  12. sine143

    Flowering plants under a 4 tube t5 fluorescent?

    you should be able to sex them befor you top them. meaning no wasted time in trying to root male clones. and no way that males can get mixed in to gen 2
  13. sine143

    TGA By Others

    they look hungry! my green ace doesnt have any sort of blackberry smell at all. subtle limon funk and sandlewood i'd say, just a dark, dank type of smell. flavor is the same as the smell. It just looks done at day 52 to me cause the pistils have receded completly. in the next 8 days I...
  14. sine143

    Flowering plants under a 4 tube t5 fluorescent?

    i'd grow em 20 days from seed, flip the light schedule for 5 days. get your magnifying glass out and chop the males.... if any, THEN top each plant and keep that as your clone. as soon as those 10 root you can decide to take cuttings off of them. this will keep you plant count much lower...
  15. sine143

    Nugbuckets Exlusive: Chernobyl F2s

    its only dangerous cause I havnt run seeds since aug or so haha. theres clones all over the place at the moment. think I need to kill some of them lol.
  16. sine143

    400w HPS Fruity Chronic Juice & Critical Kush SCRog Grow

    got my next FCJ clone transplanted into a 10 gall smart pot and topped for 8. cant wait to see what this guy can do with hefty veg time. lettin her go for about 4 to 5 weeks before flower.
  17. sine143

    TGA By Others

    wow, crazy how somewhat similar those nugs look! I noticed you let everything go till about 70 days, any reason for this preference? my AOS honestly looked ready to axe about day 52, an I grudgingly let it go till sixty days.
  18. sine143

    Super Soil Results

    she looks nice man. I only popped 1 freebie DP bean, wasnt expecting shit but dicks after week six, but its good smoke. nice and resin coated, light blue color, subtle blueberry taste. all I could ask for on 1 bean for sure.
  19. sine143

    ghost train haze #1 pre 98 bubba kush og kush ace of spades mainlined in supersoil

    got quite the trippy high, then you keep smoking and realize you're basically paralyzed!
  20. sine143

    ghost train haze #1 pre 98 bubba kush og kush ace of spades mainlined in supersoil

    damn my green AOS look just like this one. was some fire, enjoy!