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  1. Magic Mike

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    $tack$ of cheddar. hand counted , my thumb$ hurt lol
  2. Magic Mike

    What are good supplements for working out

    Creatine monohydrate, nothing fancy, just 100% creatine mono is safe and ideal for gaining mass /bulk. Another good supplement for gaining mass/bulk is L-Arginine , and amino acid that is a pre cursor for nitrous oxide . those 2 in conjunction with your whey protein is a great combo for...
  3. Magic Mike

    ★ Atomic Squat ★

    yall fancy some rhinestone cowboy
  4. Magic Mike

    man bun

  5. Magic Mike

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

  6. Magic Mike

    ★ Atomic Squat ★

  7. Magic Mike

    ★ Atomic Squat ★

    The bestest street performer Sammy Jay !!
  8. Magic Mike

    ★ Atomic Squat ★

    Is this where I renew my subscription to Pinworm ??
  9. Magic Mike

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I fixed my maytag mdb7749awm2 dishwasher today. Damn I am a pimp !! It stopped working so I started ripping that shit all apart and I figured out it was a blown thermal fuse. So I bypassed that shit and BULLYA !! It worked again.. Then I got to thinking why did that thermal fuse blow ...
  10. Magic Mike

    The Clitoris

  11. Magic Mike

    RIU Friday Dance Party

  12. Magic Mike

    6 Reasons Why Exercise Is Better On Weed

    I vape everyday while doing mobility exercises.. then again when strength training.. then again when doing HIIT. I haven't had a cold or any ailment in more than 2 years. All my blood tests are optimal. I eat very good though and only smoke organic grown by me, plus I exercise everyday. I...
  13. Magic Mike

    UFC fighter Nick Diaz was suspended 5 years for smoking weed! (Help by signing petition inside.)

    I'll hook Nick and his homies up with that weed too
  14. Magic Mike

    UFC fighter Nick Diaz was suspended 5 years for smoking weed! (Help by signing petition inside.)

    I signed the petition a while back and I'd sign it again. 5 years is ridiculous for such a minor offense . I also hope Diaz sues the NAC and wins a lot of money for this. Fucking tyranny government overreach at it's finest.
  15. Magic Mike

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I expelled flatulence at the cinema.
  16. Magic Mike

    Training Log

    I just got done reading Hulse’s Advanced 5x5 and it is basically like Starr’s 5x5. There are some tweaks and specialized programs for beginning, med, and advanced and in season and out of season athlete ones as well. All are pretty centered around the same 5x5 philosophy using the 1x5 and 2x5...
  17. Magic Mike

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    quinoa cooked in ro water, organic eggs, green onion, garlic, ginger, portobello mushrooms, sweet brown rice. brunch organic sun tea and key lime cookies in the volcano bon appetit
  18. Magic Mike

    Stock Market Sell Off

    Yeah I did not specify, one needs to make sure they are buying down principle. When you pay down a loan be sure any extra payment goes 100% to principle. It staggers the loan in an incredible way that pays off and saves an incredible amount of interest because there is less there to charge...
  19. Magic Mike

    Stock Market Sell Off

    No because I am paying only to principle and that has a staggering effect on how much money that saves in interest. Zero goes to interest. 100% goes to principle meaning the interest is sliced a staggering amount. It is the equivalent of 3.75% annual with profits automatically reinvested. Do the...