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  1. eza82

    Can these chemicals harm my plants? URGENT +REP :)

    Fresh like a toilet ? lol :)
  2. eza82

    Can these chemicals harm my plants? URGENT +REP :)

    Zinc and Chloride - YOU DONT WANT ON YOUR PLANT !!!!! Zinc exists within the plant on a MICROSCOPIC scale, by blasting it with that you will give it zinc poisoning to start with . The the chloride is a carcinogenic and not good ! Likely give repertory issues if dried and smoked. I dont know...
  3. eza82

    Aussie Growers Thread

    :lol: - yer trust your coco ! It is one of the best soilless buffers on the market, and as you said it will do the work as long as what your introducing to the system is on par. Lazy Habits are the fault of us all, we are stoners ! lol :bigjoint:
  4. eza82

    Perception is reality

    "To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential. But...
  5. eza82

    Help from some experience

    Bagseed i presume, if so you have already got genetic tendencies to be Hermi ! Yellow banana`s ????????? You mean pollen sacs ? Best/easiest is either start from clone or fem seeds.
  6. eza82

    How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

    I get defensive when people call me out. Untill you know what your talking about best not to put these sorts of posts up. It seemed as though you responed to me. Lets just all have a bong :)
  7. eza82

    1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.

    Thanx HL !
  8. eza82

    I want to be an activist in the USA

    Industrial Hemp movement ! Those should get you started !
  9. eza82

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Though Mg deficiency is rare in reality and most "symptoms" are caused by other factors such over feeding, over watering etc, BUT that is a classic example ! Fixed it yet Street`s?
  10. eza82

    My thoery for big fat females !

    Sorry but WTF ???????????? Is this just dribble about a fem seeds and growing plants ? Talk about barking up the wrong tree. Read the theory again it has nothing to do with Fem seeds or growing for newbies ? How dose that hold any relevance to my theory ?
  11. eza82

    1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.

    Locked in ! :fire:
  12. eza82

    My thoery for big fat females !

    Looks good ! Finding what works for you and your environment is the hardest trick of this hobby !
  13. eza82

    Perception is reality

    thats just my humble opinion. Reality and real are two different conversations ;)
  14. eza82

    Growing for insomnia? - help me fix my life

    I use other herbal supp`s too.
  15. eza82

    Perception is reality

    a "MAN" - .....
  16. eza82

    Perception is reality

    95% of the population work for the other 5%
  17. eza82

    Growing for insomnia? - help me fix my life

    sleeping is crucial you know that ! I do anything for a good night sleep , probably give my left testicle to "sleep in" again :)
  18. eza82

    Perception is reality

    yes, a man inside a box would find it hard to accept his reality. And find Character within himself .
  19. eza82

    Perception is reality

    Real... hmmmm a new topic :) In a way to see more clealy what is real, we really have to take away those thoughts of what is reality or not and let our experience decide .
  20. eza82

    lookin for bud

    well most of that statement was true ! ;)