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  1. eza82

    At loss of words.

    yep, It has a few benifits.... 1. roots are chemically pruned with H2o2, & help with new a developing roots. 2. It also places extra Oxygen into the water , which the plant will also be happy with :) 3. Kills mold and bacteria spores.
  2. eza82

    At loss of words.

    "I grow in Coco "-- bro its Mg and reffer to origanl post for your ACTUAL or secondary problem- coco I swear by --BEST medium in the world !
  3. eza82

    At loss of words.

    I have made my case.. lol :) We agree to disagree DD Great looking grow other wise, looks as though you are looking after them !
  4. eza82

    I hate the fucking cold

    I am dumb enough to be Moving form Australia to Wisconsin this year ! Wife wants to go home for awhile she is a native. :)
  5. eza82

    At loss of words.

    And look at the rest of his growth ! In last two pictures
  6. eza82

    At loss of words.

    ! IMO it looks like Tomatoe
  7. eza82

    At loss of words.

    Im thinking soilless grow. BUT either way even in soil; He will know pretty quick, as a few feeds of epson salt will be like giveing flu meds while on flu if its Mg... it will stop the progression of chlorosis and prevent further damage and bring back the green on some of his yellowing mid leaf...
  8. eza82

    How can people smoke several ounces in a week?

    i Use for Medical Purpose, and know many people who would go through that in a week, only they would make edibles ie butter, oils, etc. But I also know of MANY who smoke 2-3 Oz a week , for things like MS, cancer, aids, glaucoma, many more.
  9. eza82

    At loss of words.

    Again he is running an EC of 2 - Which IMO is under feed. Where in his feed schedule can you see he has over done it ?? The EC is the determining factor for the level of activity or NUTES is in the water. He IS NOT OVER FEEDING if he is running EC of 2. Show me a picture with chlorosis...
  10. eza82

    At loss of words.

    Over feeding Where ?? His EC was 2 - regardless. I run 2.2 and never had an issue.
  11. eza82

    At loss of words.

    NUTE BURN PIC: Over watered
  12. eza82

    At loss of words.

    ???? Enlarge the pictures again, all of em ! You still think thats nute burn and over water. I 100% disagree - HIs EC is at 2 an PH on par ....
  13. eza82

    The best odor control ever!!! I bet my rep on it!

    should not have bet your rep on it ......
  14. eza82

    I want to be an activist in the USA

    Wisconsin Movement ;
  15. eza82

    At loss of words.

    Well if you are going to pick up Epsom salts, you may aswell pick up some H2o2 -(for plants ) If you are considering; snow melt, well , rain tank, or bore WATER you are going to be introducing bacteria and mold into your grow as well as TDS in most cases. SO what you HAVE to do is treat your...
  16. eza82

    At loss of words.

    that looks like chlorosis - due to a Magnesium deficiency Water with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. You have a secondary and cause of the issue "seeing the Purpleing of your stem" also shows you have a nutrient lockout, This could be because you have HARD water, high level of TDS...
  17. eza82

    Medical marijuana wisconsin

    If you have not called your local reps ! Please DO IT NOW !!!
  18. eza82

    Canberra Australia Growers

    i lived in Canberra for about 4 yrs, went to a belconnen College and UC which I deferred after 2yrs Left there in 2000. Forget the name , but look out behind war memorial on top of hill was my fav spot in Canberra city to smoke as a young bloke.
  19. eza82

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ballzy.... I have to much to loose.
  20. eza82

    My thoery for big fat females !

    Gday mate, They are as hard as rocks. And almost as heavy IN FLOWER I use; 1.5Mx1.5m E&B table pots and coco; 1000W HPS + 400W MH + UVB 4ft fluro NUTES: Cana coco, Pk13-14, Silica, Rock Juice, Additives; H2o2, NAA, GA3, Fulvic acid. Here are some of the research threads & Links I used...