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  1. M

    Eco System

    I have been looking at these things for a while now and will make a good summer setup (heat issues) as it only uses 2 x 600w hps. Is anybody running one, tried one or know somebody that has? Does it live upto it's claims or anywhere near for that matter? How easy are they to manage? It has a...
  2. M

    Worst scenario ever!

    Hire a van for half a day. problem solved.
  3. M

    Yellow/dying leaves in Flower...THANK YOU in advance!!

    2- 3 month veg..........rootbound, double ya pot size.
  4. M

    major problem with dying of leaves. please help

    looks like nute burn to me
  5. M

    plant is very lanky and in flowering stage why isnt it bushy?

    Flipping the lights is a term meaning to change from 24/0 or 18/6 (veg) to 12/12 flower.
  6. M

    29 Days into flowering...

    You posted as I posted. I commented on what I coud see before seeing what you said about over feeding. Still right to a degree, lockout.
  7. M

    purple stems

    purple / red stem = signs of stress. Is your new meter one of those 2 prong ph/moisture/light things? If so, they are very inaccurate and unreliable. Water until runoff the ph test that. I use calmag every other feed 1/2 dose. Add some pearlite, acts as buffer and aids drainage. More info and...
  8. M

    29 Days into flowering...

    oh dear me..... that is one sorry looking bunch (pic 1, 2, 4). under watered, underfed, lacking light. The others don't look to bad but I personally try not to remove leaves, I tuck if they are blocking buds.
  9. M

    Pot Transplant FAIL!Roots Ripped off!

    For auto's..... different story. Auto's hate transplants so this would be a wicked solution. Keep ya soil mix the same though for every pot.
  10. M

    Hey all 1 Daddy plant (Female)

    It's a risk of stress I would rather not take but needs must some times and it is doable as a temp solution if needed.
  11. M

    plant is very lanky and in flowering stage why isnt it bushy?

    The stretch is already done, not a great deal you can do now. Ya should have done some training in veg to bush her out and keep the height down a bit. Also, try budblood next time when you flip the lights. It greatly reduces stretch and bring flowering on quicker. How far is ya light from...
  12. M

    two plants in grow tent 1.40 x 60 x 60

    OOOh fuck me sideways massah, would you believe it hey, my dumb arse uneducated and unreliable answer was right on the money. Saitek..... ya best yield with that setup will be a SOG, also quicker turn around.
  13. M

    Pot Transplant FAIL!Roots Ripped off!

    True.... and the roots in the original pot could still become bound and choke any new roots, maybe not such a great idea after all.
  14. M

    Pot Transplant FAIL!Roots Ripped off!

    At first I thought what the fuck is this nut nut on, I want some. But when you think about it, ya might have something there.... interesting
  15. M

    Hey all 1 Daddy plant (Female)

    I have put 4 clones in a 1 gallon pot b4 now (ran out of pots) then seperated em 2 weeks later. They were a litte stressed but went ok. Any longer and I think I would have struggled to seperate them tho.
  16. M

    two plants in grow tent 1.40 x 60 x 60

    Oh kitty bitch has got here fighting head on. Whist I am old enough to have used imperial weights and measures, we now live in a metric world and therefore base my EDUCATED guess on such. Wind ya kneck in, did I upset you by contradicting your post. Then again, he may have been talking...
  17. M

    two plants in grow tent 1.40 x 60 x 60

    with 1.4 height, after you install lights ya prob down to less than 1m height. Veg em, pull 9 clones and do a mini sog..... that;s what i woud do in a space that size.
  18. M

    Temp control Help

    Where is your extractor venting to? If it is in the same space as your grow then all you are doing is recycling the already hot air then pumping it back into your grow to be heated even more. Also is your inlet being pulled from a fresh source or pulling the ambient (90 degree) air? Essentially...
  19. M

    600w pineapple chunk blue hash sneaky bedroom grow

    First of all, fuck the water monitor, is it one of those cheap £5 chinese two prong things that does the light, ph and moisture. (I bought one many moons ago....... shite). Ya prob gonna tell me its a top of the range beast:mrgreen: We have been here before, master the art of feeling the weight...
  20. M

    Pot Transplant FAIL!Roots Ripped off!

    Is it just me pissing myself laughing that this guy has pulled his plant out of the soil. Not slamming you matey but when you re-pot, ya transplant the contents of the smaller pot as 1, soil and roots all together. Loosen the ball a bit as best you can without ragging ya roots everywhere, put...