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  1. M


    I lollipop for different reason. Bottom third completely stripped. Why??? I dont want my plants to waste energy trying to develope little popcorns that are a pain in the arse, time consuming to trim and not worth a fart in weight. Better all the energy be used to develope main colas. Second...
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    PLEASE!!!HELP!!!ASAP!!! Multiple Strains...Multiple Problems...Need a Guru!

    PMSL............. Nice retort. Put that in your pipe and smoke it dannyboy602 Each to there own with grow medium which is precisely why I stick with good old faithful soil, may have it's pitfalls but very forgiving. Aero my clones, soil the rest. KISS as they say.
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    Heat Exchangers

    My rig is spot on, everything within parameters but woud like to step things up a bit with regards to production. Heat becomes an issue trying to exhaust from 5kw of light (currently running 3 x 600). Our water is not metered so constant fresh cold suppy for free, warm water straight down the...
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    Heat Exchangers

    Bumpety McBump Bump. Last bump to see if any of you peeps have tried or know of air to water heat transfer (exchangers).
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    PLEASE!!!HELP!!!ASAP!!! Multiple Strains...Multiple Problems...Need a Guru!

    Don't worry, stress does not imprint on it's genetics, ya clones will be good as gold. With regards to temp drop at night, I have the same problem during winter and whist ya babies expect a temp drop at night and can even cope with a freeze (1 at a push), they don't like low ow temps much. A...
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    Quick question regarding lighting

    1000w...... why risk burning. I woud raise the light 6 inches.
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    why not to grow in a ground floor flat?

    Growing on the groung floor.... 1. Nosey neighbours can look in. 2. odours vented out will travel up into neighbours flats. 3. easily broken into and everything stolen. 4. Lights more noticable even if in tent, you still have to go in and out of tent. 5. Ducting to windows easiy noticed. 6...
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    Baby white widow leaves getting purple spots

    LOL ya like a parent with a new baby, snotty nose start to worry. They look fihne to me. What are your night temps like and how close is your fan, I get similar markings sometimes from being to close to the air inlet or fans. Stop flapping my friend and let your babies do thier thing.
  9. M

    Brown gunk on root mass

    I woud clean and change res, run some H202, fresh nutes, plenty of superthrive and fuck that tea shit off.
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    PLEASE!!!HELP!!!ASAP!!! Multiple Strains...Multiple Problems...Need a Guru!

    Stop flapping my friend. The clones were probably abused and not taken care of properly before they came to you..... Shocked. Those babies are not in such a bad state, I have nursed much worse back to health. IMHO don't repot until you see a good amount of roots pushing through the bottom and...
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    Heat Exchangers

    Bump....... No Takers.
  12. M

    Heat Exchangers

    I am looking into more efficient ways to get rid of heat. Has anybody tried or is using a heat exchanger (air to water)? I am struggling to find stats on how much air can be cooled and by how much any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
  13. M

    Need great advice about cooling my room.

    You must vent the a/c or it will add to you heat problem, I had to have one for the summer as just coudn't keep the heat down. If you have air cooled hoods already, just pull fresh air direct to them from outside, you can then vent up to your house and use to heat house (air will be clean)...
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    Need great advice about cooling my room.

    I doctored my cool tubes, removed the inner reflector and fitted barn roof 2 reflectors to the exterior (total 1m wide now), light spread in now fantastic.
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    bile Phone (cell phone) controlled system video

    Mate...... you are a fucking genius. Sink my boat, gimmi a ball park figure of the cost.
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    have a look for any sort of insect or lava also, check were the leaves overlap at the base.
  17. M


    The affected leaves will keep their damage, its new growth that you need to look at, do they have the same problem?
  18. M

    600w pineapple chunk blue hash sneaky bedroom grow

    Superthrive is cheap and vit B rich. I use it on every watering and is a gift from the gods in my eyes. Not expensive and you only need a few drops per 10L of water (ebay £10) and last ages. Helps with stress, disease and loads more. My conditions at the time were pretty good although air flow...
  19. M


    How close are you lights? I had similar probs, started with little brown spots then got worse. Try raising the lights to 12"+, worked for me.
  20. M

    is this going to die ?

    The leaves wont recover my friend but your new growth looks as good as gold. Leave the leaves on as they will still do what it says on the tin. Give em some superthrive for stress, might take a week or so to get going again though if you stressed em big. just keep an eye on temps and you will be...