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  1. cranker

    I think my dog is a racist

  2. cranker

    I think my dog is a racist

    My Dog will bark like he's a friggin gianourmous dog if anyone goes near my's friggin awesome. Then I'll smoke and he'll get contact high and we'll share a bag of cheetos and watch movies
  3. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Lookin pretty spiffy there "that which hath no name"
  4. cranker

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Rolling Rocks, blue widow and exodus cheese
  5. cranker

    Do you eat out or cook at home more?

    yeah me too, I love to cook but I could never not click I eat out on a survey
  6. cranker

    4500 plants found right down the road from me!

    They actually found about 3500 plants within a mile of me in the middle of Connecticut when I lived there. We always wondered why they had such a big fence
  7. cranker

    Who Do You Consider A Class Act?

    You can't spell Class without Ass. You also can't spell castle, but you're gonna have to bring some other letters from home.
  8. cranker

    Humans Are Naturally Plant-Eaters

    Here is a Russian video where they say McDonald's a lot and it's awesome
  9. cranker

    Where the fuck did all these mods come from??
  10. cranker

    Whats your all time favorite song to blaze to? By far
  11. cranker

    Where the fuck did all these mods come from??

    ^ case in point
  12. cranker

    Purchased from Attitude Seedbank. [VIP]

    I don't see the point, unless he didn't put in the code to get 10% off, then that's just reading failure, either way this isn't the place to try and point out whatever it is you are trying to point out.
  13. cranker

    Aphids or Spide Mites?

    yeah I'd say it's not mites. With shit balls that big I'm almost tempted to say caterpillars.
  14. cranker

    how much light for a seedling?

    0 light for starting a seed
  15. cranker

    I think my dog is a racist

    My puppy is scared of everyone he just sneaks behind them and sniffs their feet, or if they're sitting, the back of their head
  16. cranker

    I think my dog is a racist

    He only eats the white rawhide bones, he doesn't eat the brown basted ones.
  17. cranker

    Tim Burton Movies

    I actually thought he did a good job with Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as well.
  18. cranker

    Veg-Flower- Re-Veg (stunt growth?)

    revegging is usually bad.