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  1. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    An inch of rain last night. That is a huge help in delaying the fire season and not bad for the garden. Snow can be seen on the higher hills around 5000'.
  2. B

    Who remembers the 60's?

    Bobby Fuller's death is more sinister and mysterious according to wikipedia. Within months of "I Fought the Law" becoming a top 10 hit, Fuller was found dead in an automobile parked outside his Hollywood apartment.[1] The Los Angeles deputy medical examiner, Jerry Nelson, performed the autopsy...
  3. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to grow there. OK I'll stop whining about southern Oregon weather.
  4. B

    Who remembers the 60's?

    Dedicated to those that plant mature plants outdoors too early and are fighting the laws of nature.
  5. B

    Flowering in May?

    What latitude? You had mature plants and they weren't getting 14.5 hours of light so they did what they do in that situtation, flower.
  6. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    How hot does it get there? 100 seems pretty high for May;.
  7. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Heavenly days. Sunshine, a few cumulus clouds for scenery and a slight breeze with 73 degrees. I know what's ahead so I'm enjoying every day of it.
  8. B

    Oregon outdoor 2019

    Cool temps and bum soil is a double whammy for autos. Do you have backup seeds? Your comparison is like the old tv commercials comparing the name brand to "brand x".
  9. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Are your plants already in the ground? With that nasty weather that could be a real problem.
  10. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    are you in the ground?
  11. B

    Oregon outdoor 2019

    13 days and ridiculously small but I didn't want a large plant. I have little doubt I will still get 12 oz. from this ACDC. Soil temps have been 50 and less in the mornings, a hard way to get root growth.
  12. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    You don't let it rain on your plants?
  13. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Low of 40 last night. Soil temp 49. No wonder my garden hasn't grown.
  14. B

    watering when out of town

    How about a lawn sprinkler on a hose with a $30 orbit timer at the hosebib?
  15. B

    Can i plant very close to water a wet area ? or is it going to be moldy ?

    If you are in California or Oregon the creek will only go down through summer, so no problem. Elsewhere the fluctuations might drown the roots.
  16. B

    Oregon outdoor 2019

    Ok, All that 80 degree weather got me to jump the gun by a couple of weeks. Here is my effort for '19. ACDC feminized seedling.
  17. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    That's the one thing I like about the east, the thunderstorms. I remember visiting New England and the sky was always a bit hazy with humidity and sometimes the storms snuck up on you because the haze just seemed to get denser. In the west, the thunderheads stand out sharply against the dry...
  18. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Rumbling thunder. I can honestly say I haven't heard that since mid July when a dry T storm came through and lit the mountains on fire. I used to enjoy a T storm but these dry storms are summer ruiners.
  19. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Dry season has slammed into southern Oregon full force. Hasn't rained in weeks but temps are in the mid 80s with single digit RH. Oh boy.
  20. B

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Ask Sawyer and they will probably tell you to get a new one. And for $25 or so it might be the way to go.