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  1. A

    DiY LED - Active cooling - CXA3070

    Remarkable results! Thanks for testing. With red leds that kind of a drop in Tj would a mean a 10% difference in output, with whites a lot less?
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Thanks for the advice! I guess I would like to have 2 pole on-off switches on the AC side, I looked some at mouser and they weren't that expensive. DC connectors aren't fully necessary, more like "nice to have". Those cheapo drivers seem to have a fuse on the AC side, so I'm not that worried...
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    Which red leds is everyone buying?

    Gotta agree with Scotch, Supra has been the biggest influence and help on my build too. Did you measure and estimate those values yourself? Because offers these values at 50C 700mA: XPE P3: 115.6lm, 1.6W XPE-2 P3 122.6lm, 1.68W Both seem to have similar W/lumen ratios, so...
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    Yet another DIY thread

    No - this project is not dead, just moving along slower than a snail. A couple of do's and dont's learned so far: -If you have trouble sourcing good heatsinks, get a quote for C-channel aluminum from your local steelshop, you might be surprised by the price! -CPU heatsinks are utterly useless...
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    LED NOVICE ASKS - "What to SEEK and AVOID in a 1st LED???"

    I'd say it depends a lot how much you need even top bin leds to replace your HPS. Let's say you have problems with humidity, temps and managing overall growroom conditions - and get 10 oz per grow with a 600W HPS. Most definately you'll be better off with lower watts and a proper DIY led will...
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    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    Congrats! I'm seriously envious now, lol. Can't wait to see how these work on a bigger scale than a closet grow.
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Ordered those cheapos from Fasttech while ago, along with some XM-L2's. They do take long-ass time to ship! I dislike the drivers already, might have to rethink them further down the road. Satisled seemed to have a good deal for 450mA drivers. Good news is that everything else has arrived, just...
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    CREE 3590 bulk order?

    Serious HID killer right there! Last time I checked the top bins weren't really available yet, but keenly waiting for them to appear for us mortals to buy.
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Awesome stuff, thanks for testing Supra! I understand those are very simple devices and might even be fixed by an amateur when some component fails. There's just something that bothers me using cheap stuff like that, maybe it's just my lack of knowledge. Supra, could you post a pic or...
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    Yet another DIY thread

    I don't think I'm in a hurry with this build, so I wouldn't mind waiting a bit for parts. I'm a bit of an electronics idiot, so I wouldn't mind having a driver with some protections like over temperature and such. Price indeed favors those, but are they reliable?
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Thanks for the thoughts guys! I think I should have started a thread earlier, as I've already ordered stuff impulsively which I regret a bit. I would definately have favored those XM-L's from fasttech over XT-E's, but too late now. Though now that I've added the luxeons, I might as well add...
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Let's put the problem in another form, if we could get some dialogue going: If you were to grow single cola SOG style plants in an area of 20cm*20cm each with solid state lights, how would you build your fixture? Evenly spaced emitters or clusters on top of plants? More blue for keeping plants...
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    Cree CXA analysis

    Amazing thread, thanks for all the contributors, especially MrFlux! Am I totally wrong, but looking swiftly through the datasheets the bigger versions of CXA like 3050 seem to be more efficient? Underdriving for example a 5000k 70CRI 3050 with 700mA looks pretty f''n efficient for the $$...
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    Yet another DIY thread

    Greetings my fellow LED enthusiasts! First of all I want to thank you all for sharing your ideas and experiences, without this valuable information I would be even more lost than currently. :clap: Long story short! Here's what I've planned: Modular fixture: 8 modules, size aprrox 5" * 20"...
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    Few potential LED builds... help will be required!

    How much is too much white in your experience? What do you think for example of ideal spectrums CW:630:660 combination?
  16. A

    DIY led grow

    Regarding the stretching, I think by looking at the pics before you flipped, you just overvegged a bit. That might have been the biggest contributor to why you have so much stalk. Anyway, nice thread, good pics and looking forward to seeing more!
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    DiY LED - Cree XPE XTE XML2 - Luxeon ES - Oslon SSL

    Cool, I thought the kapton was there to insulate the contact points. Inspired by your thread I finally started my own build by wetsanding the heatsinks. Any tips for sanding the stars? The 10mm ones are a bitch to hold and I'm worried that the residual dust will cause problems. Should I wash...
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    DiY LED - Cree XPE XTE XML2 - Luxeon ES - Oslon SSL

    Awesome project! So you use only thermal glue for attaching the stars? How much HID watts do you run per sqft?
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Cheers for the tip! I'll hit them with heat treatment for every few days and let you know if it did anything. Added 3 different beneficial fungal products, top dressed with EWC, lacto/EWC aeraeted tea's and foliars, silica, aspirin and so on.. Giving it everything I got. :)
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    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Anyone that has had fusarium / verticilium wilt? Suggestions and all help really appreciated, first round of organics for me and this is something I really didn't prepare for. Half of vegging plants dead, one flowering plant almost dead and multiple infected ones flowering atm. I'm currently...