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  1. S

    My Very First Grow

    well they've been under light!!! but the first two were in darkness for first 3 days... so this new one is straight under light though not direct... have also mixed in vermiculite to soil so soil now contains both vermiculite and perlite.... watch this space...
  2. S

    What seeds?

    Hi my first grow unsuccessful... i live in england... cold at the mo... am growing in my garage and have a built grow room that is small but keeps temp at about 65-75°... fresh air circulating... my first grow was unsuccessful... both have died... leaves going brown... not sure whether...
  3. S

    first grow

    well impressed with your first grow... my first two test plants failed miserably and died before ever getting out of seedling stage... my 2nd grow has started more successfully... she's still a little seedling but looks much stronger than the other two ever were... any advice you can give...
  4. S

    My Very First Grow

    yep. another sad day... she's dead... leaves went brown on edge and she drooped and the stem was like 1mm thick if she was lucky... 2nd one has germinated - is in a pot and doing better than the other two ever were! cross fingers... watch this space...
  5. S

    Does anyone know?

    Sent you a private message to explain... i'm off to bed now - it's 1:30 in the morning here. night all.
  6. S

    Need Some adivce/help

    indeed we did... however, she'll be smiling when she reads this so u guess that's a good thing... it's nice to make ppl smile... especially when it's the smile of a beautiful young woman... :-)
  7. S

    Need Some adivce/help

    I'm also married butno children so i guess on that alone, i she had the choice, it would be me. I don't want to fight about it. :-)
  8. S

    Need Some adivce/help

    ...what you mean, she's hot huh? u have good taste at least... :-)
  9. S

    Does anyone know?

    What about a window sill? In a warm house, maybe between 15-20°? Bear in mind I'm a newbie in UK... and it's winter here! I'm only working with a 200watt Enviroite.... check out spec of my growroom on first post in my journal. Couldn't afford a HPS :-( Jeez that's sad eh? Lovin that...
  10. S

    Need Some adivce/help

    Sounds like you got trouble! I don't know much myself yet but deffo stab some holes in it. There must be some way you can secure the light to the underside of the lid? I agree with Russ about the avatar... but that was a lame attempt to pull Russ... what you thinking??? Love you russ...
  11. S

    Does anyone know?

    true... will it make it any weaker if it's kept in darkness for the first 10cm as i'm reading mixed views....
  12. S

    My Very First Grow

    Let me know your answers to question above!
  13. S

    My Very First Grow

    Well as you can see Mogie I took your advice with the straw thing as the stem of my seedling is pretty pathetic. As you can see the first leaves have died and dropped off, these are those little starter leaves and not the proper leaves. Does she look healthy enough to you guys at this...
  14. S

    Does anyone know?

    thanks russ... it's bizarre cos my seed instructions say to leave them in light but not in direct sunlight until they are about 10cm... what does everyonie else do?
  15. S

    Does anyone know?

    Two questions actually... 1. Is this normal? My seedlings are losing their first leaves... not the proper leaves but the baby starter leaves... what are they called? cotylendon leaves or something? I dunno... anyway - they're dying... the first proper leaves look fine though... 2...
  16. S

    My Very First Grow

    27th November and my new seed has germinated successfully. The root was just over 2cm long when i uncovered it this evening so it's grown all of that since the previous evening. i have planted it in well watered soil this evening and it is back in the airing cupboard. According to...
  17. S

    My Very First Grow

    Hi ppl, Well have started the germination of a new seed as my one plant needs a friend. It's between moist kitchen towel and in the airing cupboard at about 21° which worked perfectly for the previous seeds... The seedling pictured earlier has 2 new leaves since the last shot though they are...
  18. S

    after germination

    i reckon they should all follow suit... time limit will differ for each one. just tbe patient!
  19. S

    My Very First Grow

    hey im flattered though im not sure im the best person to follow. I've been successful in germination but in terms of getting my little babies to grow i've not progressed that far yet... i did take some pics but then deleted them as they weren't that far advanced from the previous ones shown...
  20. S

    My Very First Grow

    thanks for the tip. I have a ph soil tester kit but i guess there is no way of testing my water with it is there? basically the soil tester kit came with a few test tubes... you place a small amount of soil then add a little white powder, then add a few drops of something else! (I'm good...