Search results

  1. Ku$hking3883

    Your Favorite Seedbank?

    Really liking BCSEEDKINGS right now .The NL I ordered from them is fucking killer and the prices are fair.
  2. Ku$hking3883

    Seeking Seed Supplier

    Try these banks 1. 2. 4. 5. 7. 9.
  3. Ku$hking3883

    PS3 vs XBOX cast your thoughts

    Same here PS3
  4. Ku$hking3883

    Help me!

    how are you going to smoke up?
  5. Ku$hking3883

    I Have a Question About Buds/ Flowers in Bloom and Water.

    wheres the link to this chicks grow? really want to check it out.
  6. Ku$hking3883

    Dutch Passion Perplex ... Any Experiences?

    Got a clone of purplex from a dispensary, waek genetics prone to mold&bugs. It could have been the cut I had but I will stay away from this strain in the future.
  7. Ku$hking3883

    I Really Love CO

    talking like you sell lbs bro...whats the deal on a key..bongsmiliejk. What we were talking about was where the best deals were & That some people&place's(Dispensary) will rip a card holder off and sell there on meds to them.
  8. Ku$hking3883


    is it a legit bank?
  9. Ku$hking3883

    Rare Dankness= Amazing!!

    say what? Tm seeds?.. i'm so lost right now.
  10. Ku$hking3883

    Gage Green Genetics(new strain tests)

    no doubt in my mind of that my friend.
  11. Ku$hking3883

    Rare Dankness

    really looking forward to getting my hands on some of there gear shit looks bomber!
  12. Ku$hking3883

    Gage Green Genetics(new strain tests)

    got them with a order of gage green grapestomper x og underdawg was just wondering if you could help there GGG's mixed bag all 3 have different numbers 0001,0002,0003 through you might know.
  13. Ku$hking3883

    I Really Love CO

    The Benefits of Indoor Growing Versus Outdoor Growing for medical marijuana in Colorado While some may argue that one method is superior to the other, Colorado medical marijuana growers are proving that both methods are tending to average about the same yields. Outdoor plants may tend to yield...
  14. Ku$hking3883

    Gage Green Genetics(new strain tests)

    have any idea What strain these are?
  15. Ku$hking3883

    whats up man

    whats up man
  16. Ku$hking3883

    I Really Love CO

    must have written it wrong.I wrote 6 plants in maturity per red card and the law says its only 3 in maturity so sorry tell me how to do that on an outdoor grow in this country. 3 plants two harvests a year 3-5+ pounds. The big harvest would be the outdoor in the summer if it was done right 3-5+...
  17. Ku$hking3883

    Thumbs double UP for Herbies!!!

    there bank does kick some ass man!
  18. Ku$hking3883

    Attitude Seedbank February Promotion

    Is that the 4-20 promo same as there birthday promo or is it different? those are the two to wait for.
  19. Ku$hking3883

    Any Info on "Local" strain: Moonberry

    Whats up man?
  20. Ku$hking3883

    I Really Love CO

    you are right but lol...what was unrealistic?:)