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  1. HookdOnChronics

    Blunts First Harvest! Lots o' Pics

    hey man sucks you had to cut early, should still be an enjoyable couple blunts worth though! grats on the first harvest! It's a fun one!
  2. HookdOnChronics

    Experimental use with an Air stone

    OP: I've thought about doing this many times before. And my thinking was along the same lines as yours! I couldn't see anything BAD coming from this/ I mean all it is, is MORE oxygen! Ganjaluvr, this is not to dog on you what so ever. I'm just curious. Why would you "Not suggest this at all...
  3. HookdOnChronics

    New And Improved Summer 2010 Grow-Off! (Northern Hemisphere)

    Dude I feel ya bro! It snowed here last night..... And todays weather forcast, snow, for tonight, more snow..... wooohooo DAMNIT!
  4. HookdOnChronics

    LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

    Hahahahahahaha, Thanks man, I'll see what I can do! Man I'd REALLY love to upgrade to an HPS aswell!!!!! I can't even imagine how much fun that would be! I'm moving into a house within a yea, and you bet your ASS i'll be getting me an HPS then if not sooner! lol, and I feel you on just reading...
  5. HookdOnChronics

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Hey man that's a pretty legit setup you got goin there! So your using ONLY 2 pc fans to keep that 150W HPS cool? AND it's strong enough to blow enough air through the carbon filter to keep it cool in there? I've got a somewhat similar setup in the TOP of my closet. But I'm using x12, 26W...
  6. HookdOnChronics

    DIY CFLS reflectors

    alright I know this thread is old. But someone brought it back some someone's got to be interested in this. Really, it's the dude that just said to someone else that his is "Just as sloppy as anyone else's here" Which I kinda agree, it was a bit sloppy..... But not "everybody else" that is...
  7. HookdOnChronics

    leaves are drooping help

    Well I'm a soil grower so I dunno about hydro. But you say your FEEDING them 4 times a day? Not just water? Actually FEEDING them nutrients 4 times a day? If that's the case they are most likely WAY WAY over fed! That's what I think anyways, like I said, I grow soil, but reguardless of weather...
  8. HookdOnChronics

    4th week flowering

    Yea if you are 4 weeks into flower you should be giving more P than anything else. I use a 15-30-15 for bloom, and a 24-8-16 for veg..... You should be using a bloom/flowering nutrient now. And I dunno if you are or not, but you shouldn't be feeding weekly. I only use nutrients about once every...
  9. HookdOnChronics

    leaves are drooping help

    Lift the pots and see if they are light. Stick your finger in the soil and see if it is dry. They're probably either thirsty and need some water, or you've been watering them to much and are drowing them. When did you last water? How big are they? How often do you water them? Feeding them at...
  10. HookdOnChronics

    Too much nutrients or not enough!? Green Crack pics included

    Sorry man, I don't know what the the NPK ratios of notrozome are so I couldn't help you there. See what's weird is your plants look really hungry to me! But in the last pic you can see burnt leaf tips which usually means to much food and nute burn. I'll guarentee you right now, that if you...
  11. HookdOnChronics

    Hindu Kush/SC/Oddysee/PK/Chemdawg

    dude that's fucked up! I'm sorry dog! The girls are looking good tho! Nice!
  12. HookdOnChronics

    LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

    Hey thanks the shit! I was actually wrong, I forgot that I added 2 more lights for this grow since there were 4 plants instead of one. So I'm actually using 300 watts instead of 250. Still ALL cfl though. Yes, the nutes I use are MG All Purpose Plant food for veg, and MG Bloom Booster for...
  13. HookdOnChronics

    Too much nutrients or not enough!? Green Crack pics included

    lol, OK sorry bud! My B! Get the sand outa your vag! I didn't realize you were answering to the actual title of the post instead of the REAL quastion that he asked, which would be (What do you guys think I should do?) to which I thought you answered (not enough) that makes perfect sense. You see...
  14. HookdOnChronics

    LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

    Yea man, it sucked! But it's worth it to stay legal! lol, that's funny I have a Boxer/Pitbull mix so I'm not worried about THOSE kind of unexpected visitors! lol, More the kind with guns and badges..... lol, And I have been getting alot of purps! I REALLY like it alot! But what I REALLY REALLY...
  15. HookdOnChronics

    Too much nutrients or not enough!? Green Crack pics included

    Not enough????? What the hell does that even mean????? You are a GREAT help..... What a worthless post..... Your plants are hungry for food bro. They need some N. I'd get your veg nutes and give a good 75% strength feed. They'll start to darken up and grow alot faster in 3-4 days I bet you.
  16. HookdOnChronics

    Hermie at 7.5weeks!

    THIS is exactly what I'd do... Don't listen to this jackass!!!!! You can still get pleanty of decent smoke off that plant! No reason to throw it away and start from scratch, just start some new seeds now while that plant is finishing up.
  17. HookdOnChronics

    can you harvest half

    lol, quite simple here..... The buds that are done, you CUT off! The buds that aren't you DON'T cut off! Whaallaa
  18. HookdOnChronics

    LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

    lol, well we just had some neighbors move in next door. Right across our balcony. And there hasn't been anybody living there for the past 6 months. So I was pulling a plant down out of the closet, and didn't realize that our blinds were all the way open, as were there's. So if there happened to...
  19. HookdOnChronics

    LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)

    Hey guys so I've got to apologise. I've gotten UBER lazy with the pix lately... Pretty much everything is going great. Just been spending a LOT of time with the new girlfriend. So haven't been spending AS much time with the girls in the closet... But they're all healthy and looking good! ~I...
  20. HookdOnChronics

    clone flowering during vegitation

    Hey man this is in response to your message that you sent me. I tried to just post it on your profile but it was to long! So I don't know where else to post but here, hope this helps. Yea man I LST ALL of my plants! That is the ONLY way I grow! And it's really quite simple, let me explain...